SnakeByte[18] Function Optimization with OpenMDAO

DALLE’s Rendering of Non-Convex Optimization

In Life We Are Always Optimizing.

~ Professor Benard Widrow (inventor of the LMS algorithm)

Hello Folks! As always, i hope everyone is safe. i also hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break with food, family, and friends.

The first SnakeByte of the new year involves a subject near and dear to my heart: Optimization.

The quote above was from a class in adaptive signal processing that i took at Stanford from Professor Benard Widrow where he talked about how almost everything is a gradient type of optimization and “In Life We Are Always Optimizing.”. Incredibly profound if One ponders the underlying meaning thereof.

So why optimization?

Well glad you asked Dear Reader. There are essentially two large buckets of optimization: Convex and Non Convex optimization.

Convex optimization is an optimization problem has a single optimal solution that is also the global optimal solution. Convex optimization problems are efficient and can be solved for huge issues. Examples of convex optimization include maximizing stock market portfolio returns, estimating machine learning model parameters, and minimizing power consumption in electronic circuits. 

Non-convex optimization is an optimization problem can have multiple locally optimal points, and it can be challenging to determine if the problem has no solution or if the solution is global. Non-convex optimization problems can be more difficult to deal with than convex problems and can take a long time to solve. Optimization algorithms like gradient descent with random initialization and annealing can help find reasonable solutions for non-convex optimization problems. 

You can determine if a function is convex by taking its second derivative. If the second derivative is greater than or equal to zero for all values of x in an interval, then the function is convex. Ah calculus 101 to the rescue.

Caveat Emptor, these are very broad mathematically defined brush strokes.

So why do you care?

Once again, Oh Dear Reader, glad you asked.

Non-convex optimization is fundamentally linked to how neural networks work, particularly in the training process, where the network learns from data by minimizing a loss function. Here’s how non-convex optimization connects to neural networks:

A loss function is a global function for convex optimization. A “loss landscape” in a neural network refers to representation across the entire parameter space or landscape, essentially depicting how the loss value changes as the network’s weights are adjusted, creating a multidimensional surface where low points represent areas with minimal loss and high points represent areas with high loss; it allows researchers to analyze the geometry of the loss function to understand the training process and potential challenges like local minima. To note the weights can be millions, billions or trillions. It’s the basis for the cognitive AI arms race, if you will.

The loss function in neural networks, measures the difference between predicted and true outputs, is often a highly complex, non-convex function. This is due to:

The multi-layered structure of neural networks, where each layer introduces non-linear transformations and the high dimensionality of the parameter space, as networks can have millions, billions or trillions of parameters (weights and biases vectors).

As a result, the optimization process involves navigating a rugged loss landscape with multiple local minima, saddle points, and plateaus.

Optimization Algorithms in Non-Convex Settings

Training a neural network involves finding a set of parameters that minimize the loss function. This is typically done using optimization algorithms like gradient descent and its variants. While these algorithms are not guaranteed to find the global minimum in a non-convex landscape, they aim to reach a point where the loss is sufficiently low for practical purposes.

This leads to the latest SnakeBtye[18]. The process of optimizing these parameters is often called hyperparameter optimization. Also, relative to this process, designing things like aircraft wings, warehouses, and the like is called Multi-Objective Optimization, where you have multiple optimization points.

As always, there are test cases. In this case, you can test your optimization algorithm on a function called The Himmelblau’s function. The Himmelblau Function was introduced by David Himmelblau in 1972 and is a mathematical benchmark function used to test the performance and robustness of optimization algorithms. It is defined as:

    \[f(x, y) = (x^2 + y - 11)^2 + (x + y^2 - 7)^2\]

Using Wolfram Mathematica to visualize this function (as i didn’t know what it looked like…) relative to solving for f(x,y):

Wolfram Plot Of The Himmelblau Function

This function is particularly significant in optimization and machine learning due to its unique landscape, which includes four global minima located at distinct points. These minima create a challenging environment for optimization algorithms, especially when dealing with non-linear, non-convex search spaces. Get the connection to large-scale neural networks? (aka Deep Learnin…)

The Himmelblau’s function is continuous and differentiable, making it suitable for gradient-based methods while still being complex enough to test heuristic approaches like genetic algorithms, particle swarm optimization, and simulated annealing. The function’s four minima demand algorithms to effectively explore and exploit the gradient search space, ensuring that solutions are not prematurely trapped in local optima.

Researchers use it to evaluate how well an algorithm navigates a multi-modal surface, balancing exploration (global search) with exploitation (local refinement). Its widespread adoption has made it a standard in algorithm development and performance assessment.

Several types of libraries exist to perform Multi-Objective or Parameter Optimization. This blog concerns one that is extremely flexible, called OpenMDAO.

What Does OpenMDAO Accomplish, and Why Is It Important?

OpenMDAO (Open-source Multidisciplinary Design Analysis and Optimization) is an open-source framework developed by NASA to facilitate multidisciplinary design, analysis, and optimization (MDAO). It provides tools for integrating various disciplines into a cohesive computational framework, enabling the design and optimization of complex engineering systems.

Key Features of OpenMDAO Integration:

OpenMDAO allows engineers and researchers to couple different models into a unified computational graph, such as aerodynamics, structures, propulsion, thermal systems, and hyperparameter machine learning. This integration is crucial for studying interactions and trade-offs between disciplines.

Automatic Differentiation:

A standout feature of OpenMDAO is its support for automatic differentiation, which provides accurate gradients for optimization. These gradients are essential for efficient gradient-based optimization techniques, particularly in high-dimensional design spaces. Ah that calculus 101 stuff again.

It supports various optimization methods, including gradient-based and heuristic approaches, allowing it to handle linear and non-linear problems effectively.

By making advanced optimization techniques accessible, OpenMDAO facilitates cutting-edge research in system design and pushes the boundaries of what is achievable in engineering.

Lo and Behold! OpenMDAO itself is a Python library! It is written in Python and designed for use within the Python programming environment. This allows users to leverage Python’s extensive ecosystem of libraries while building and solving multidisciplinary optimization problems.

So i had the idea to use and test OpenMDAO on The Himmelblau function. You might as well test an industry-standard library on an industry-standard function!

First things first, pip install or anaconda:

>> pip install 'openmdao[all]'

Next, being We are going to be plotting stuff within JupyterLab i always forget to enable it with the majik command:

## main code
%matplotlib inline 

Ok lets get to the good stuff the code.

# add your imports here:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from openmdao.api import Problem, IndepVarComp, ExecComp, ScipyOptimizeDriver
# NOTE: the scipy import 

# Define the OpenMDAO optimization problem - almost like self.self
prob = Problem()

# Add independent variables x and y and make a guess of X and Y:
indeps = prob.model.add_subsystem('indeps', IndepVarComp(), promotes_outputs=['*'])
indeps.add_output('x', val=0.0)  # Initial guess for x
indeps.add_output('y', val=0.0)  # Initial guess for y

# Add the Himmelblau objective function. See the equation from the Wolfram Plot?
prob.model.add_subsystem('obj_comp', ExecComp('f = (x**2 + y - 11)**2 + (x + y**2 - 7)**2'), promotes_inputs=['x', 'y'], promotes_outputs=['f'])

# Specify the optimization driver and eplison error bounbs.  ScipyOptimizeDriver wraps the optimizers in *scipy.optimize.minimize*. In this example, we use the SLSQP optimizer to find the minimum of the "Paraboloid" type optimization:
prob.driver = ScipyOptimizeDriver()
prob.driver.options['optimizer'] = 'SLSQP'
prob.driver.options['tol'] = 1e-6

# Set design variables and bounds
prob.model.add_design_var('x', lower=-10, upper=10)
prob.model.add_design_var('y', lower=-10, upper=10)

# Add the objective function Himmelblau via promotes.output['f']:

# Setup and run the problem and cross your fingers:

Dear Reader, You should see something like this:

Optimization terminated successfully (Exit mode 0)
Current function value: 9.495162792777827e-11
Iterations: 10
Function evaluations: 14
Gradient evaluations: 10
Optimization Complete
Optimal x: [3.0000008]
Optimal y: [1.99999743]
Optimal f(x, y): [9.49516279e-11]

So this optimized the minima of the function relative to the bounds of x and y and \epsilon.

Now, lets look at the cool eye candy in several ways:

# Retrieve the optimized values
x_opt = prob['x']
y_opt = prob['y']
f_opt = prob['f']

print(f"Optimal x: {x_opt}")
print(f"Optimal y: {y_opt}")
print(f"Optimal f(x, y): {f_opt}")

# Plot the function and optimal point
x = np.linspace(-6, 6, 400)
y = np.linspace(-6, 6, 400)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
Z = (X**2 + Y - 11)**2 + (X + Y**2 - 7)**2

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
contour = plt.contour(X, Y, Z, levels=50, cmap='viridis')
plt.clabel(contour, inline=True, fontsize=8)
plt.scatter(x_opt, y_opt, color='red', label='Optimal Point')
plt.title("Contour Plot of f(x, y) with Optimal Point")

Now, lets try something that looks a little more exciting:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Define the function
def f(x, y):
    return (x**2 + y - 11)**2 + (x + y**2 - 7)**2

# Generate a grid of x and y values
x = np.linspace(-6, 6, 500)
y = np.linspace(-6, 6, 500)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
Z = f(X, Y)

# Plot the function
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
plt.contourf(X, Y, Z, levels=100, cmap='magma')  # Gradient color
plt.colorbar(label='f(x, y)')
plt.title("Plot of f(x, y) = (x² + y - 11)² + (x + y² - 7)²")

That is cool looking.

Ok, lets take this even further:

We can compare it to the Wolfram Function 3D plot:

from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

# Create a 3D plot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

# Plot the surface
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, cmap='magma', edgecolor='none', alpha=0.9)

# Labels and title
ax.set_title("3D Plot of f(x, y) = (x² + y - 11)² + (x + y² - 7)²")
ax.set_zlabel("f(x, y)")

Which gives you a 3D plot of the function:

3D Plot of f(x, y) = (x² + y – 11)² + (x + y² – 7)²

While this was a toy example for OpenMDAO, it is also a critical tool for advancing multidisciplinary optimization in engineering. Its robust capabilities, open-source nature, and focus on efficient computation of derivatives make it invaluable for researchers and practitioners seeking to tackle the complexities of modern system design.

i hope you find it useful.

Until Then,

#iwishyouwater <- The EDDIE – the most famous big wave contest ran this year. i saw it on the beach in 2004 and got washed across e rivermouth on a 60ft clean up set that washed out the river.


Music To Blog By: GodSpeedYouBlackEmperor “No Title As of 13 February 2024” – great band if you enjoy atmospheric compositional music.

How One Of The G.O.A.T.(s) Changed My Life

A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you.

Bob Proctor
The Religious Tomes Of Digital Audio by Professor Ken Pohlmann

First, i trust this finds everyone well. All kinds of craziness abound in the world; for those affected by recent events, my condolences. Second, I was compelled to write a blog after some commentary on LinkedIn concerning mentors and people who changed some of our lives.

You can find the discussion here. <- Click

Dear reader this is a very personal blog so bear with me i have told few if any this story. Oftentimes, the Universe speaks, and when it does, listen.

i had the extreme luxury and luck to attend graduate school at The University Of Miami Frost School Of Music, specializing in Music Engineering. Here is a little history copypasta’d from the website:

“The Graduate Music Engineering Technology degree (GMUE) was introduced in 1986 and has consistently placed graduates into high-tech engineering fields that emphasize audio technology, usually in audio software and hardware design engineering and product engineering or development. Our graduates have enjoyed employment at companies specifically aimed at high-tech audio such as Sonos, Amazon Lab126, Avid, Universal Audio, Soundtoys, iZotope, Waves LLC, Smule, Apple, Facebook Reality Labs, Microsoft, Eventide, Bose, Shure, Dolby Laboratories, Roland, Beats by Dr. Dre, Spotify, Harman International, JBL, Analog Devices, Biamp, QSC, Motorola, Texas Instruments, Cirrus Logic, Audio Precision, and many more.

In most cases, applicants to the M.S. in Music Engineering Technology typically hold a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering, computer engineering, computer science, math, physics, or other hard sciences and are passionate about combining their love of music and engineering. A few hold dual degrees in music and other engineering/technology areas. The Music Engineering Technology program enjoys being part of a world-class, top-ranked School of Music, and students may become licensed to use the new $1.2 million state-of-the-art recording studio if they wish.”

I would rather be blind than deaf.

Handel from “Listening”

In 1987, Oh Dear Reader, i had a “really good job” with GE Medical Systems working in the Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Cat Scan field service organization. Yet i longed for truly understanding the science and perception of how we as humans process sound physically, neuro-scientifically, and mentality, then how we design that product to reproduce the creation of sound to its fullest extent. I loved mixing sound and thought in would be the end all to work at a “mixing desk” manufacturer such as MCI in Fort Lauderdale, used at Criteria Studios, where such groups as The Allman Brothers, etc, were the pinnacle of audio engineering. i was also particularly fascinated with the perception of reverberation and accurate modeling of acoustics. In undergraduate school i did an extracurricular paper on digital audio circa 1985. Where I analyzed analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog recording techniques. The paper discussed the Shannon Limit theorem and the science of sampling a sound to reconstruct it in full digital form. i also discussed how in the future most (or so i surmised) sound would eventually be played on a chip or transmitted with no medium. i also created a fiber optic transmission network to transmit and modify my voice. However the “riff” of the paper compelled me.

Said pedantic paper figure 1.1

One day i was sitting listening to Al Dimeola’s Elegant Gypsy album in Little Havanna, Miami, FL (where i presided not far from Crescent Moon Studios) and reading an article by a human named Professor Ken Pohlmann. The year was 1989. The magazine was Mix Magazine as i “used to be” a recording engineer having graduated from Full Sail Of The Recording Arts and then went on to obtain a BSEET at Devry Institute of Technology. i still kept up on recording and live sound and every once in a while i would mix for someone.

As they say, I am a recovering sound engineer now.

Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.

John Crosby

At the end of the article, it said something to the effect:

“Professor Ken Pohlmann is the founder of the prestigious program for the Graduate School Of Music Engineering at the University Of Miami, where he teaches Propeller Heads to create world class digital effects.” Apologies, folks i’m going off memory here, but i specifically remember reading the article and thinking “ok i am going to drive down to Coral Gables all two miles and walk in and ask for Professor Polhmann to accept me into the program.”

i walked in and asked for Professor Pohlmann. The nice woman at the desk said let me see if he is here. She said yes he is and will see me now.

Awe hell game on.

He sat down with me and asked what i could do for you. i still remember i was “dressed” in a tie with braces (suspenders) and full button down shirt with tassle dress shoes (full corporate mode). Yes tassle loafers.

i said “i want you to accept me into your program and when i get out i am going to work for (this) company and build reverberation algorithms.” i showed him the Mix Magazine where he was mentioned and in the back of Mix Magazine was an advertisement for a “startup” audio company called digidesign. i also showed him my paper on Digital Audio Recording and Editing circa 1985.

(NOTE: If you never ask for the biggest piece of cake you never get it. Worse thing he could say was no.)

He was really cool on the response. He said well i appreciate the passion but you need to go through all of the process and gave me all the paperwork take the GRE etc.

i was also acutely aware that i was a mutt compared to the other students where he only accepted two per year out of several high pedigree applicants. Most of the students where from real engineering schools.

i’ll never forget when i called to see if i was accepted. i called and the women said: “Theodore Tanner Jr. right? Oh Yes you can start fall of 1990.”

I RESIGNED from GE right after the phone call.

Fast forward to the year 1992. My friend Toby Dunn and i where sitting in MTC 667 graduate thesis class for Professor Ken Pohlmann.

Toby and i had done all kinds of awesome projects for the two years at UMiami but now we are sitting in the classroom breeze coming in watching the palm trees and chatting about who knows what waiting for the GOAT.

Professor Pohlmann walks in with a stack of books and sits down and says:

“What do you guys want to talk about? This class is about thinking up brilliant ideas and taking them into execution and also publishing your thesis at a conference.”

“Which conference?” i asked?

He said: “The Audio Engineering Society Conference this coming Fall.”

We both laughed. I specifically remember thinking back in the day when I didn’t even understand most of Stereo Review Magazine when I was in high school, and now it reads like Cat In Hat, BUT The AES Conference is THE SUPER BOWL OF AUDIO ENGINEERING?!

He said: “What are you laughing at? If you don’t get the paper accepted and given at the conference, you can’t graduate as it’s most of the grade along with your thesis and discussion here in class.”

“We haven’t even got started on our thesis or even selected a subject.” i said

He then said: “I asked what do you want to talk about and you didn’t say anything.”

He sat there in silence for a while then He then picked up his books and said: ” i don’t have time for this.”

He got up and left.

Toby and I just sat there (this was before the acronym WTF), but that was the look on our faces. WTF?

We sat there for a while and then i got the courage up to go into his office.

i felt like Charlie walking up to Willy Wonka.

“Professor Polhmann? , i said tentatively, ” i think we are ready to talk ideas.”

He came back in sat on the desk and said (and i will never ever forget this….)

“You two are the people that will change this industry and as such you are expected to come up with the ideas that can be executed upon and that is what i expect from you now as that is what will be expected of you in industry.”

Thus, Spake The GOAT. Amen.

We then had an amazing conversation of thesis topics.

Toby presented his paper on noise reduction, which was amazing. I presented my paper on Subband audio coding methods at the AES in New York in 1992, complete with an AES scholarship stipend. I also got to hang out with Jeff Beck and Les Paul at a Toys R Us BASF party, but that is another story.

We then went on to work for digidesign circa 1992. Toby is one of the most amazing signal-processing audio engineers in the industry. He was at Digidesign for 20 years and is now at Universal Audio. He wrote the original noise reduction plugin for Digidesign on Sound Designer and worked on the digital audio engine as well as several start plugins (dynamics, chorus/flange, etc.).

Excerpt from 1985 Neophyte paper 1.2 and 1.3

Side Note: One cool thing i got to personally tell Al Dimeola and Steve Vai that i assisted in creating some of the original protools and sounder designer plugins and APIs while listening to Elegant Gypsy and Passion Grace and Warfare. One of them is the same album I mentioned at the beginning of this blog. Also, if you not familiar, both are the GOATs of guitar.

Oh, and one more thing—I worked at Criteria Studios for a while and got to mix on the MCI console in Studio C, which was used to record several famous albums, which was a full-circle aspect for me professionally.

Then, later on, in 1993, another mentor, Phil Ramone, called me (yes that phil, he called me his 8th child…) while I was working on Protron Plugin at the amazing company called Crystal River Engineering, founded by Scott Foster. Scott Foster originated interpolated Head Related Transfer Function six degrees of freedom spatial audio for Jaron Laniers VPL Research and Dr. Beth Wenzel at Nasa Ames Research Lab and essentially started full localized spatial audio. Phil called me to come down to Crescent Moon Studios (Gloria Estafan and The Miami Sound Machine) and listen to the Duets Album he was mixing. He wanted me to analyze the reverb tails going through the defunct ATT Disq system versus a Neve IV console. He used three EMT reverbs (left, center, right) feedback to each other. i knew this previously and used this technique in the original Dveb.

To anyone reading this, find your passion and execute those brilliant ideas. Find the right mentor who will push you beyond anything you ever thought possible.

i am lucky enough to have had several mentors in my life. However, it all started with someone taking a chance on me.

Toby if you are out there hope you and sue and the family are well.

To the GOAT, Professor Ken Pohlmann. Thank you for that day. Without it i would not be where i am without that happening and i cannot thank you enough for taking a chance on me when i knew damn good and well i didnt have the resume or pedigree to ever compete at the scholastic level. However, I do hope I have made up for the deficiencies since that time.

Be safe.

Until Then,

#iwshyouwater (thunders in mentawis with a yacht)


Muzak To Blog By: Bach: Goldberg Variations, BWV 988 (The 1955 & 1981 Recordings). Dear Reader tread lightly within the aural halls there are several caves you can go into here with his interpretations. Enjoy. For those that know you know.

SnakeByte[17] The Metropolis Algorithm

Frame Grab From the movie Metropolis 1927

Who told you to attack the machines, you fools? Without them you’ll all die!!

~ Grot, the Guardian of the Heart Machine

First, as always, Oh Dear Reader, i hope you are safe. There are many unsafe places in and around the world in this current time. Second, this blog is a SnakeByte[] based on something that i knew about but had no idea it was called this by this name.

Third, relative to this, i must confess, Oh, Dear Reader, i have a disease of the bibliomaniac kind. i have an obsession with books and reading. “They” say that belief comes first, followed by admission. There is a Japanese word that translates to having so many books you cannot possibly read them all. This word is tsundoku. From the website (if you click on the word):

“Tsundoku dates from the Meiji era, and derives from a combination of tsunde-oku (to let things pile up) and dokusho (to read books). It can also refer to the stacks themselves. Crucially, it doesn’t carry a pejorative connotation, being more akin to bookworm than an irredeemable slob.”

Thus, while perusing a math-related book site, i came across a monograph entitled “The Metropolis Algorithm: Theory and Examples” by C Douglas Howard [1].

i was intrigued, and because it was 5 bucks (Side note: i always try to buy used and loved books), i decided to throw it into the virtual shopping buggy.

Upon receiving said monograph, i sat down to read it, and i was amazed to find it was closely related to something I was very familiar with from decades ago. This finally brings us to the current SnakeByte[].

The Metropolis Algorithm is a method in computational statistics used to sample from complex probability distributions. It is a type of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm (i had no idea), which relies on Markov Chains to generate a sequence of samples that can approximate a desired distribution, even when direct sampling is complex. Yes, let me say that again – i had no idea. Go ahead LazyWebTM laugh!

So let us start with how the Metropolis Algorithm and how it relates to Markov Chains. (Caveat Emptor: You will need to dig out those statistics books and a little linear algebra.)

Markov Chains Basics

A Markov Chain is a mathematical system that transitions from one state to another in a state space. It has the property that the next state depends only on the current state, not the sequence of states preceding it. This is called the Markov property. The algorithm was introduced by Metropolis et al. (1953) in a Statistical Physics context and was generalized by Hastings (1970). It was considered in the context of image analysis (Geman and Geman, 1984) and data augmentation (Tanner (I’m not related that i know of…) and Wong, 1987). However, its routine use in statistics (especially for Bayesian inference) did not take place until Gelfand and Smith (1990) popularised it. For modern discussions of MCMC, see e.g. Tierney (1994), Smith and Roberts (1993), Gilks et al. (1996), and Roberts and Rosenthal (1998b).

Ergo, the name Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. Once again, i had no idea.


A Markov Chain can be described by a set of states S and a transition matrix P , where each element P_{ij} represents the probability of transitioning from state i to state j .

Provide The Goal: Sampling from a Probability Distribution \pi(x)

In many applications (e.g., statistical mechanics, Bayesian inference, as mentioned), we are interested in sampling from a complex probability distribution \pi(x). This distribution might be difficult to sample from directly, but we can use a Markov Chain to create a sequence of samples that, after a certain period (called the burn-in period), will approximate \pi(x) .

Ok Now: The Metropolis Algorithm

The Metropolis Algorithm is one of the simplest MCMC algorithms to generate samples from \pi(x). It works by constructing a Markov Chain whose stationary distribution is the desired probability distribution \pi(x) . A stationary distribution is a probability distribution that remains the same over time in a Markov chain. Thus it can describe the long-term behavior of a chain, where the probabilities of being in each state do not change as time passes. (Whatever time is, i digress.)

The key steps of the algorithm are:


Start with an initial guess x_0 , a point in the state space. This point can be chosen randomly or based on prior knowledge.

Proposal Step

From the current state x_t , propose a new state x^* using a proposal distribution q(x^*|x_t) , which suggests a candidate for the next state. This proposal distribution can be symmetric (e.g., a normal distribution centered at x_t ) or asymmetric.

Acceptance Probability

Calculate the acceptance probability \alpha for moving from the current state x_t to the proposed state x^* :

    \[\alpha = \min \left(1, \frac{\pi(x^) q(x_t | x^)}{\pi(x_t) q(x^* | x_t)} \right)\]

In the case where the proposal distribution is symmetric (i.e., q(x^|x_t) = q(x_t|x^)), the formula simplifies to:

    \[\alpha = \min \left(1, \frac{\pi(x^*)}{\pi(x_t)} \right)\]

Acceptance or Rejection

Generate a random number u from a uniform distribution U(0, 1)
If u \leq \alpha , accept the proposed state x^* , i.e., set x_{t+1} = x^* .
If u > \alpha , reject the proposed state and remain at the current state, i.e., set x_{t+1} = x_t .


Repeat the proposal, acceptance, and rejection steps to generate a Markov Chain of samples.

Convergence and Stationary Distribution:

Over time, as more samples are generated, the Markov Chain converges to a stationary distribution. The stationary distribution is the target distribution \pi(x) , meaning the samples generated by the algorithm will approximate \pi(x) more closely as the number of iterations increases.


The Metropolis Algorithm is widely used in various fields such as Bayesian statistics, physics (e.g., in the simulation of physical systems), machine learning, and finance. It is especially useful for high-dimensional problems where direct sampling is computationally expensive or impossible.

Key Features of the Metropolis Algorithm:

  • Simplicity: It’s easy to implement and doesn’t require knowledge of the normalization constant of \pi(x) , which can be difficult to compute.
  • Flexibility: It works with a wide range of proposal distributions, allowing the algorithm to be adapted to different problem contexts.
  • Efficiency: While it can be computationally demanding, the algorithm can provide high-quality approximations to complex distributions with well-chosen proposals and sufficient iterations.

The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm is a more general version that allows for non-symmetric proposal distributions, expanding the range of problems the algorithm can handle.

Now let us code it up:

i am going to assume the underlying distribution is Gaussian with a time-dependent mean \mu_t, which changes slowly over time. We’ll use a simple time-series analytics setup to sample this distribution using the Metropolis Algorithm and plot the results. Note: When the target distribution is Gaussian (or close to Gaussian), the algorithm can converge more quickly to the true distribution because of the symmetric smooth nature of the normal distribution.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Time-dependent mean function (example: sinusoidal pattern)
def mu_t(t):
    return 10 * np.sin(0.1 * t)

# Target distribution: Gaussian with time-varying mean mu_t and fixed variance
def target_distribution(x, t):
    mu = mu_t(t)
    sigma = 1.0  # Assume fixed variance for simplicity
    return np.exp(-0.5 * ((x - mu) / sigma) ** 2)

# Metropolis Algorithm for time-series sampling
def metropolis_sampling(num_samples, initial_x, proposal_std, time_steps):
    samples = np.zeros(num_samples)
    samples[0] = initial_x

    # Iterate over the time steps
    for t in range(1, num_samples):
        # Propose a new state based on the current state
        x_current = samples[t - 1]
        x_proposed = np.random.normal(x_current, proposal_std)

        # Acceptance probability (Metropolis-Hastings step)
        acceptance_ratio = target_distribution(x_proposed, time_steps[t]) / target_distribution(x_current, time_steps[t])
        acceptance_probability = min(1, acceptance_ratio)

        # Accept or reject the proposed sample
        if np.random.rand() < acceptance_probability:
            samples[t] = x_proposed
            samples[t] = x_current

    return samples

# Parameters
num_samples = 10000  # Total number of samples to generate
initial_x = 0.0      # Initial state
proposal_std = 0.5   # Standard deviation for proposal distribution
time_steps = np.linspace(0, 1000, num_samples)  # Time steps for temporal evolution

# Run the Metropolis Algorithm
samples = metropolis_sampling(num_samples, initial_x, proposal_std, time_steps)

# Plot the time series of samples and the underlying mean function
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))

# Plot the samples over time
plt.plot(time_steps, samples, label='Metropolis Samples', alpha=0.7)

# Plot the underlying time-varying mean (true function)
plt.plot(time_steps, mu_t(time_steps), label='True Mean \\mu_t', color='red', linewidth=2)

plt.title("Metropolis Algorithm Sampling with Time-Varying Gaussian Distribution")
plt.ylabel("Sample Value")

Output of Python Script Figure 1.0

Ok, What’s going on here?

For the Target Distribution:

The function mu_t(t) defines a time-varying mean for the distribution. In this example, it follows a sinusoidal pattern.
The function target_distribution(x, t) models a Gaussian distribution with mean \mu_t and a fixed variance (set to 1.0).

Metropolis Algorithm:

The metropolis_sampling function implements the Metropolis algorithm. It iterates over time, generating samples from the time-varying distribution. The acceptance probability is calculated using the target distribution at each time step.

Proposal Distribution:

A normal distribution centered around the current state with standard deviation proposal_std is used to propose new states.

Temporal Evolution:

The time steps are generated using np.linspace to simulate temporal evolution, which can be used in time-series analytics.

Plot The Results:

The results are plotted, showing the samples generated by the Metropolis algorithm as well as the true underlying mean function \mu_t (in red).

The plot shows the Metropolis samples over time, which should cluster around the time-varying mean \mu_t of the distribution. As time progresses, the samples follow the red curve (the true mean) as time moves on like and arrow in this case.

Now you are probably asking “Hey is there a more pythonic library way to to this?”. Oh Dear Reader i am glad you asked! Yes There Is A Python Library! AFAIC PyMC started it all. Most probably know it as PyMc3 (formerly known as…). There is a great writeup here: History of PyMc.

We are golden age of probabilistic programming.

~ Chris Fonnesbeck (creator of PyMC) 

Lets convert it using PyMC. Steps to Conversion:

  1. Define the probabilistic model using PyMC’s modeling syntax.
  2. Specify the Gaussian likelihood with the time-varying mean \mu_t .
  3. Use PyMC’s built-in Metropolis sampler.
  4. Visualize the results similarly to how we did earlier.
import pymc as pm
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Time-dependent mean function (example: sinusoidal pattern)
def mu_t(t):
    return 10 * np.sin(0.1 * t)

# Set random seed for reproducibility

# Number of time points and samples
num_samples = 10000
time_steps = np.linspace(0, 1000, num_samples)

# PyMC model definition
with pm.Model() as model:
    # Prior for the time-varying parameter (mean of Gaussian)
    mu_t_values = mu_t(time_steps)

    # Observational model: Normally distributed samples with time-varying mean and fixed variance
    sigma = 1.0  # Fixed variance
    x = pm.Normal('x', mu=mu_t_values, sigma=sigma, shape=num_samples)

    # Use the Metropolis sampler explicitly
    step = pm.Metropolis()

    # Run MCMC sampling with the Metropolis step
    samples_all = pm.sample(num_samples, tune=1000, step=step, chains=5, return_inferencedata=False)

# Extract one chain's worth of samples for plotting
samples = samples_all['x'][0]  # Taking only the first chain

# Plot the time series of samples and the underlying mean function
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))

# Plot the samples over time
plt.plot(time_steps, samples, label='PyMC Metropolis Samples', alpha=0.7)

# Plot the underlying time-varying mean (true function)
plt.plot(time_steps, mu_t(time_steps), label='True Mean \\mu_t', color='red', linewidth=2)

plt.title("PyMC Metropolis Sampling with Time-Varying Gaussian Distribution")
plt.ylabel("Sample Value")

When you execute this code you will see the following status bar:

It will be a while. Go grab your favorite beverage and take a walk…..

Output of Python Script Figure 1.1

Key Differences from the Previous Code:

PyMC Model Usage Definition:
In PyMC, the model is defined using the pm.Model() context. The x variable is defined as a Normal distribution with the time-varying mean \mu_t . Instead of manually implementing the acceptance probability, PyMC handles this automatically with the specified sampler.

Metropolis Sampler:
PyMC allows us to specify the sampling method. Here, we explicitly use the Metropolis algorithm with pm.Metropolis().

Samples Parameter:
We specify shape=num_samples in the pm.Normal() distribution to indicate that we want a series of samples for each time step.

The resulting plot will show the sampled values using the PyMC Metropolis algorithm compared with the true underlying mean, similar to the earlier approach. Now, samples has the same shape as time_steps (in this case, both with 10,000 elements), allowing you to plot the sample values correctly against the time points; otherwise, the x and y axes would not align.

NOTE: We used this library at one of our previous health startups with great success.

Optimizations herewith include several. There is a default setting in PyMC which is called NUTS.
No need to manually set the number of leapfrog steps. NUTS automatically determines the optimal number of steps for each iteration, preventing inefficient or divergent sampling. NUTS automatically stops the trajectory when it detects that the particle is about to turn back on itself (i.e., when the trajectory “U-turns”). A U-turn means that continuing to move in the same direction would result in redundant exploration of the space and inefficient sampling. When NUTS detects this, it terminates the trajectory early, preventing unnecessary steps. Also the acceptance rates on convergence are higher.

There are several references to this set of algorithms. It truly a case of both mathematical and computational elegance.

Of course you have to know what the name means. They say words have meanings. Then again one cannot know everything.

Until Then,

#iwishyouwater <- Of all places Alabama getting the memo From Helene 2024

𝕋𝕖𝕕 ℂ. 𝕋𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕣 𝕁𝕣. (@tctjr) / X

Music To Blog By: View From The Magicians Window, The Psychic Circle


[1] The Metropolis Algorithm: Theory and Examples by C Douglas Howard

[2] The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm: A note by Danielle Navarro

[3] Github code for Sample Based Inference by bashhwu

Entire Metropolis Movie For Your Viewing Pleasure. (AFAIC The most amazing Sci-Fi movie besides BladeRunner)

What Would Nash,Shannon,Turing, Wiener and von Neumann Think?

An image of the folks as mentioned above via the GAN de jour

First, as usual, i trust everyone is safe. Second, I’ve been “thoughting” a good deal about how the world is being eaten by software and, recently, machine learning. i personally have a tough time with using the words artificial intelligence.

What Would Nash, Shannon, Turing, Wiener, and von Neumann Think of Today’s World?

The modern world is a product of the mathematical and scientific brilliance of a handful of intellectual pioneers who happen to be whom i call the Horsemen of The Digital Future. i consider these humans to be my heroes and persons that i aspire to be whereas most have not accomplished one-quarter of the work product the humans have created for humanity. Among these giants are Dr. John Nash, Dr. Claude Shannon, Dr. Alan Turing, Dr. Norbert Wiener, and Dr. John von Neumann. Each of them, in their own way, laid the groundwork for concepts that now define our digital and technological age: game theory, information theory, artificial intelligence, cybernetics, and computing. But what would they think if they could see how their ideas, theories and creations have shaped the 21st century?

A little context.

John Nash: The Game Theorist

John Nash revolutionized economics, mathematics, and strategic decision-making through his groundbreaking work in game theory. His Nash Equilibrium describes how parties, whether they be countries, companies, or individuals, can find optimal strategies in competitive situations. Today, his work influences fields as diverse as economics, politics, and evolutionary biology. NOTE: Computational Consensus Not So Hard; Carbon (Human) Consensus Nigh Impossible.

The Nash equilibrium is the set of degradation strategies 



such that, if both players adopt it, neither player can achieve a higher payoff by changing strategies. Therefore, two rational agents should be expected to pick the Nash equilibrium as their strategy.

If Nash were alive today, he would be amazed at how game theory has permeated decision-making in technology, particularly in algorithms used for machine learning, cryptocurrency trading, and even optimizing social networks. His equilibrium models are at the heart of competitive strategies used by businesses and governments alike. With the rise of AI systems, Nash might ponder the implications of intelligent agents learning to “outplay” human actors and question what ethical boundaries should be set when AI is used in geopolitical or financial arenas.

Claude Shannon: The Father of Information Theory

Claude Shannon’s work on information theory is perhaps the most essential building block of the digital age. His concept of representing and transmitting data efficiently set the stage for everything from telecommunications to the Internet as we know it. Shannon predicted the rise of digital communication and laid the foundations for the compression and encryption algorithms protecting our data. He also is the father of my favorite equation mapping the original entropy equation from thermodynamics to channel capacity:

    \[H=-1/N \sum_{i=1}^{N} P_i\,log_2\,P_i\]

The shear elegance and magnitude is unprecedented. If he were here, Shannon would witness the unprecedented explosion of data, quantities, and speeds far beyond what was conceivable in his era. The Internet of Things (IoT), big data analytics, 5G/6G networks, and quantum computing are evolutions directly related to his early ideas. He might also be interested in cybersecurity challenges, where information theory is critical in protecting global communications. Shannon would likely marvel at the sheer volume of information we produce yet be cautious of the potential misuse and the ethical quandaries regarding privacy, surveillance, and data ownership.

Alan Turing: The Architect of Artificial Intelligence

Alan Turing’s vision of machines capable of performing any conceivable task laid the foundation for modern computing and artificial intelligence. His Turing Machine is still a core concept in the theory of computation, and his famous Turing Test continues to be a benchmark in determining machine intelligence.

In today’s world, Turing would see his dream of intelligent machines realized—and then some. From self-driving cars to voice assistants like Siri and Alexa, AI systems are increasingly mimicking human cognition human capabilities in specific tasks like data analysis, pattern recognition, and simple problem-solving. While Turing would likely be excited by this progress, he might also wrestle with the ethical dilemmas arising from AI, such as autonomy, job displacement, and the dangers of creating highly autonomous AI systems as well as calling bluff on the fact that LLM systems do not reason in the same manner as human cognition on basing the results on probabilistic convex optimizations. His work on breaking the Enigma code might inspire him to delve into modern cryptography and cybersecurity challenges as well. His reaction-diffusion model called Turings Metapmorphsis equation, is foundational in explaining biological systems:

Turing’s reaction-diffusion system is typically written as a system of partial differential equations (PDEs):

    \[\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} &= D_u \nabla^2 u + f(u, v),\]

    \[\frac{\partial v}{\partial t} &= D_v \nabla^2 v + g(u, v),\]


    \[\begin{itemize}\item $u$ and $v$ are concentrations of two chemical substances (morphogens),\item $D_u$ and $D_v$ are diffusion coefficients for $u$ and $v$,\item $\nabla^2$ is the Laplacian operator, representing spatial diffusion,\item $f(u, v)$ and $g(u, v)$ are reaction terms representing the interaction between $u$ and $v$.\end{itemize}\]

In addition to this, his contributions to cryptography and game theory alone are infathomable.
In his famous paper, Computing Machinery and Intelligence,” Turing posed the question, “Can machines think?” He proposed the Turing Test as a way to assess whether a machine can exhibit intelligent behavior indistinguishable from a human. This test has been a benchmark in AI for evaluating a machine’s ability to imitate human intelligence.

Given the recent advances made with large language models, I believe he would find it amusing, not that they think or reason.

Norbert Wiener: The Father of Cybernetics

Norbert Wiener’s theory of cybernetics explored the interplay between humans, machines, and systems, particularly how systems could regulate themselves through feedback loops. His ideas greatly influenced robotics, automation, and artificial intelligence. He wrote the books “Cybernetics” and “The Human Use of Humans”. During World War II, his work on the automatic aiming and firing of anti-aircraft guns caused Wiener to investigate information theory independently of Claude Shannon and to invent the Wiener filter. (The now-standard practice of modeling an information source as a random process—in other words, as a variety of noise—is due to Wiener.) Initially, his anti-aircraft work led him to write, with Arturo Rosenblueth and Julian Bigelow, the 1943 article ‘Behavior, Purpose and Teleology. He was also a complete pacifist. What was said about those who can hold two opposing views?

If Wiener were alive today, he would be fascinated by the rise of autonomous systems, from drones to self-regulated automated software, and the increasing role of cybernetic organisms (cyborgs) through advancements in bioengineering and robotic prosthetics. He, I would think, would also be amazed that we could do real-time frequency domain filtering based on his theories. However, Wiener’s warnings about unchecked automation and the need for human control over machines would likely be louder today. He might be deeply concerned about the potential for AI-driven systems to exacerbate inequalities or even spiral out of control without sufficient ethical oversight. The interaction between humans and machines in fields like healthcare, where cybernetics merges with biotechnology, would also be a keen point of interest for him.

John von Neumann: The Architect of Modern Computing

John von Neumann’s contributions span so many disciplines that it’s difficult to pinpoint just one. He’s perhaps most famous for his von Neumann architecture, the foundation of most modern computer systems, and his contributions to quantum mechanics and game theory. His visionary thinking on self-replicating machines even predated discussions of nanotechnology.

Von Neumann would likely be astounded by the ubiquity and power of modern computers. His architectural design is the backbone of nearly every device we use today, from smartphones to supercomputers. He would also find significant developments in quantum computing, aligning with his quantum mechanics work. As someone who worked on the Manhattan Project (also Opphenhiemer), von Neumann might also reflect on the dual-use nature of technology—the incredible potential of AI, nuclear power, and autonomous weapons to both benefit and harm humanity. His early concerns about the potential for mutual destruction could be echoed in today’s discussions on AI governance and existential risks.

What Would They Think Overall?

Together, these visionaries would undoubtedly marvel at how their individual contributions have woven into the very fabric of today’s society. The rapid advancements in AI, data transmission, computing power, and autonomous systems would be thrilling, but they might also feel a collective sense of responsibility to ask:

Where do we go from here?

Once again Oh Dear Reader You pre-empt me….

A colleague sent me this paper, which was the impetus for this blog:

My synopsis of said paper:

The Tensor as an Informational Resource” discusses the mathematical and computational importance of tensors as resources, particularly in quantum mechanics, AI, and computational complexity. The authors propose new preorders for comparing tensors and explore the notion of tensor rank and transformations, which generalize key problems in these fields. This paper is vital for understanding how the foundational work of Nash, Shannon, Turing, Wiener, and von Neumann has evolved into modern AI and quantum computing. Tensors offer a new frontier in scientific discovery, building on their theories and pushing the boundaries of computational efficiency, information processing, and artificial intelligence. It’s an extension of their legacy, providing a mathematical framework that could revolutionize our interaction with quantum information and complex systems. Fundamental to systems that appear to learn where the information-theoretic transforms are the very rosetta stone of how we perceive the world through perceptual filters of reality.

This shows the continuing relevance in ALL their ideas in today’s rapidly advancing AI and fluid computing technological landscape.

They might question whether today’s technology has outpaced ethical considerations and whether the systems they helped build are being used for the betterment of all humanity. Surveillance, privacy, inequality, and autonomous warfare would likely weigh heavily on their minds. Yet, their boundless curiosity and intellectual rigor would inspire them to continue pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, always seeking new answers to the timeless question of how to create the future we want and live better, more enlightened lives through science and technology.

Their legacy lives on, but so does their challenge to us: to use the tools they gave us wisely for the greater good of all.

Or would they be dismayed that we use all of this technology to make a powerpoint to save time so we can watch tik tok all day?

Until Then,

#iwishyouwater <- click and see folks who got the memo

𝕋𝕖𝕕 ℂ. 𝕋𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕣 𝕁𝕣. (@tctjr) / X

Music To blog by: Bach: Mass in B Minor, BWV 232. By far my favorite composer. The John Eliot Gardiner and Monterverdi Choir version circa 1985 is astounding.

SnakeByte[16]: Enhancing Your Code Analysis with pyastgrep

Dalle 3’s idea of an Abstract Syntax Tree in R^3 space

If you would know strength and patience, welcome the company of trees.

~ Hal Borland

First, I hope everyone is safe. Second, I am changing my usual SnakeByte [] stance process. I am pulling this from a website I ran across. I saw the library mentioned, so I decided to pull from the LazyWebTM instead of the usual snake-based tomes I have in my library.

As a Python developer, understanding and navigating your codebase efficiently is crucial, especially as it grows in size and complexity. Trust me, it will, as does Entropy. Traditional search tools like grep or IDE-based search functionalities can be helpful, but they cannot often “‘understand” the structure of Python code – sans some of the Co-Pilot developments. (I’m using understand here *very* loosely Oh Dear Reader).

This is where pyastgrep it comes into play, offering a powerful way to search and analyze your Python codebase using Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs). While going into the theory of ASTs is tl;dr for a SnakeByte[] , and there appears to be some ambiguity on the history and definition of Who actually invented ASTs, i have placed some references at the end of the blog for your reading pleasure, Oh Dear Reader. In parlance, if you have ever worked on compilers or core embedded systems, Abstract Syntax Trees are data structures widely used in compilers and the like to represent the structure of program code. An AST is usually the result of the syntax analysis phase of a compiler. It often serves as an intermediate representation of the program through several stages that the compiler requires and has a strong impact on the final output of the compiler.

So what is the Python Library that you speak of? i’m Glad you asked.

What is pyastgrep?

pyastgrep is a command-line tool designed to search Python codebases with an understanding of Python’s syntax and structure. Unlike traditional text-based search tools, pyastgrep it leverages the AST, allowing you to search for specific syntactic constructs rather than just raw text. This makes it an invaluable tool for code refactoring, auditing, and general code analysis.

Why Use pyastgrep?

Here are a few scenarios where pyastgrep excels:

  1. Refactoring: Identify all instances of a particular pattern, such as function definitions, class instantiations, or specific argument names.
  2. Code Auditing: Find usages of deprecated functions, unsafe code patterns, or adherence to coding standards.
  3. Learning: Explore and understand unfamiliar codebases by searching for specific constructs.

I have a mantra: Reduce, Refactor, and Reuse. Please raise your hand of y’all need to refactor your code? (C’mon now no one is watching… tell the truth…). See if it is possible to reduce the code footprint, refactor the code into more optimized transforms, and then let others reuse it across the enterprise.

Getting Started with pyastgrep

Let’s explore some practical examples of using pyastgrep to enhance your code analysis workflow.

Installing pyastgrep

Before we dive into how to use pyastgrep, let’s get it installed. You can install pyastgrep via pip:

(base)tcjr% pip install pyastgrep #dont actually type the tctjr part that is my virtualenv

Example 1: Finding Function Definitions

Suppose you want to find all function definitions in your codebase. With pyastgrep, this is straightforward:

pyastgrep 'FunctionDef'

This command searches for all function definitions (FunctionDef) in your codebase, providing a list of files and line numbers where these definitions occur. Ok pretty basic string search.

Example 2: Searching for Specific Argument Names

Imagine you need to find all functions that take an argument named config. This is how you can do it:

pyastgrep 'arg(arg=config)'

This query searches for function arguments named config, helping you quickly locate where configuration arguments are being used.

Example 3: Finding Class Instantiations

To find all instances where a particular class, say MyClass, is instantiated, you can use:

pyastgrep 'Call(func=Name(id=MyClass))'

This command searches for instantiations of MyClass, making it easier to track how and where specific classes are utilized in your project.

Advanced Usage of pyastgrep

For more complex queries, you can combine multiple AST nodes. For instance, to find all print statements in your code, you might use:

pyastgrep 'Call(func=Name(id=print))'

This command finds all calls to the print function. You can also use more detailed queries to find nested structures or specific code patterns.

Integrating pyastgrep into Your Workflow

Integrating pyastgrep into your development workflow can greatly enhance your ability to analyze and maintain your code. Here are a few tips:

  1. Pre-commit Hooks: Use pyastgrep in pre-commit hooks to enforce coding standards or check for deprecated patterns.
  2. Code Reviews: Employ pyastgrep during code reviews to quickly identify and discuss specific code constructs.
  3. Documentation: Generate documentation or code summaries by extracting specific patterns or structures from your codebase.

Example Script

To get you started, here’s a simple Python script using pyastgrep to search for all function definitions in a directory:

import os
from subprocess import run

def search_function_definitions(directory):
result = run(['pyastgrep', 'FunctionDef', directory], capture_output=True, text=True)

if __name__ == "__main__":
directory = "path/to/your/codebase" #yes this is not optimal folks just an example.

Replace "path/to/your/codebase" with the actual path to your Python codebase, and run the script to see pyastgrep in action.


pyastgrep is a powerful tool that brings the capabilities of AST-based searching to your fingertips. Understanding and leveraging the syntax and structure of your Python code, pyastgrep allows for more precise and meaningful code searches. Whether you’re refactoring, auditing, or simply exploring code, pyastgrep it can significantly enhance your productivity and code quality. This is a great direct addition to your arsenal. Hope it helps and i hope you found this interesting.

Until Then,

#iwishyouwater <- The best of the best at Day1 Tahiti Pro presented by Outerknown 2024

𝕋𝕖𝕕 ℂ. 𝕋𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕣 𝕁𝕣. (@tctjr) / X

MUZAK to Blog By: SweetLeaf: A Stoner Rock Salute to Black Sabbath. While i do not really like bands that do covers, this is very well done. For other references to the Best Band In Existence ( Black Sabbath) i also refer you to Nativity in Black Volumes 1&2.


[1] Basics Of AST

[2] The person who made pyastgrep

[3] Wikipedia page on AST

SnakeByte [15]: Debugging With pdb In The Trenches

Dalle3 idea of debugging code from the view of the code itself.

If debugging is the process of removing software bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in.

~ Edsger W. Dijkstra

Image Explanation: Above is the image showing the perspective of debugging code from the viewpoint of the code itself. The scene features lines of code on a large monitor, with sections highlighted to indicate errors. In the foreground, anthropomorphic code characters are working to fix these highlighted sections, set against a digital landscape of code lines forming a cityscape.

So meta and canonical.

In any event Dear Readers, it is Wednesday! That means as usual everyday is Wednesday in a startup, you actually work at a company where you enjoy the work or it is SnakeByte [ ] time!

i haven’t written a SnakeByte is quite some time. Also, recently, in a previous blog, I mentioned that I had a little oversite on my part, and my blog went down. i didn’t have alerting turned on ye ole AWS and those gosh darn binlogs where not deleting in ye ole WordPress as such we took the proverbial digger into downtime land. i re-provisioned with an additional sizing of the volume and changed the disc from magnetic to SSD, turned on alerts and we are back in business.

So per my usual routine i grab one of the python books from the book shelf randomly open then read about command or commands and attempt to write a blog as fast as possible.

Today’s random command from Python In A Nutshell is pdb, the Python Debugger. i’ll walk you through the basic of using pdb to debug your Python code, which, as it turns out is better than a bunch of print().

Getting Started with pdb

To leverage pdb, import it in your Python script. You can then set breakpoints manually with pdb.set_trace(). When the execution hits this line, the script pauses, allowing you to engage in an interactive debugging session.

Consider this straightforward example:

import pdb

def add(a, b):
result = a + b
return result

def main():
x = 10
y = 20
pdb.set_trace() # Breakpoint set here
total = add(x, y)
print(f'Total: {total}')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Here, we have a simple add function and a main function that invokes add. The pdb.set_trace() in the main function sets a breakpoint where the debugger will halt execution.

Running the Code with pdb

Execute the script from the command line to initiate the debugger:


When the execution reaches pdb.set_trace(), you will see the debugger prompt ((Pdb)):

> /path/to/
-> total = add(x, y)

Essential pdb Commands

Once at the debugger prompt, several commands can help you navigate and inspect your code. Key commands include:

  • l (list): Displays the surrounding source code.
  • n (next): Moves to the next line within the same function.
  • s (step): Steps into the next function call.
  • c (continue): Resumes execution until the next breakpoint.
  • p (print): Evaluates and prints an expression.
  • q (quit): Exits the debugger and terminates the program.

Let’s walk through using these commands in our example:

List the surrounding code:

Pdb) 1
  6         def main():
  7             x = 10
  8             y = 20
  9             pdb.set_trace()  # Breakpoint here
 10  ->         total = add(x, y)
 11             print(f'Total: {total}')
 13         if __name__ == '__main__':
 14             main()

Print variable values:

(Pdb) p x
(Pdb) p y

Step into the add function:

(Pdb) s
> /path/to/
-> result = a + b

Inspect parameters a and b:

(Pdb) p a
(Pdb) p b

Continue execution:

(Pdb) c
Total: 30

Advanced pdb Features

For more nuanced debugging needs, pdb offers advanced capabilities:

Conditional Breakpoints: Trigger breakpoints based on specific conditions:

if x == 10:

Post-Mortem Debugging: Analyze code after an exception occurs:

import pdb

def faulty_function():
    return 1 / 0

except ZeroDivisionError:
    pdb.post_mortem() #they need to add a pre-mortem what can go wrong will...

Command Line Invocation: Run a script under pdb control directly from the command line like the first simple example:

python -m pdb

Effective debugging is crucial for building robust and maintainable software. pdb provides a powerful, interactive way to understand and fix your Python code. By mastering pdb, you can streamline your debugging process, saving time and enhancing your productivity.

pdb, the Python Debugger, is an indispensable tool for any developer. It allows us to set breakpoints, step through code, inspect variables, and evaluate expressions on the fly. This level of control is crucial for diagnosing and resolving issues efficiently. While i used cli in the examples it also works with Jupyter Notebooks.

We’ve covered the basics and advanced features of pdb, equipping you with the knowledge to tackle even the most challenging bugs. As you integrate these techniques into your workflow, you’ll find that debugging becomes less of a chore and more of a strategic advantage unless you create a perfect design which is no code at all!

Until then,

#iwishyouwater <- La Vaca Gigante Wipeouts 2024

𝕋𝕖𝕕 ℂ. 𝕋𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕣 𝕁𝕣. (@tctjr)

Muzak to Blog By: Apostrophe (‘) by Frank Zappa. i was part of something called the Zappa Ensemble in graduate school as one of the engineers. The musicians where amazing. Apostrohe (‘)is an amazing album. The solo on Uncle Remus is just astounding well as is most of his solos.

Review: Flow Research Collective

Bonafide in The Art of The Flow

I will persist until I succeed.

I was not delivered unto this world in defeat, nor does failure course in my veins. I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my shepherd. I am a lion and I refuse to talk, to walk, to sleep with the sheep. I will hear not those who weep and complain, for their disease is contagious. Let them join the sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny.

I will persist until I succeed.

OG Mandino

First as always Dear Readers i trust everyone is safe. Second, whilst i have not written i in a while that does not mean i have not been “thoughting” of things to write about for You Oh Dear Reader. Third, software is hard and there was a glitch in the matrix and my site was down for a bit.

Starting last year on April 24th, 2023, with Matthew McConaughey’s “Art Of Living” worldwide class that was, in fact, a precursor to a class with him and Tony Robbins dedicated to looking into yourself and figuring out exactly what you want – sound familiar? However, this was not for me to use for others but for me – period. I knew that this was a stepping stone to the class that I was going to write about, a class given by the Flow Research Collective. After i took “The Art of Living” class i knew a Flow Research Collective Class was starting over “The Holidays” in December 2023. Knowing full well that i would be in the throes of work at my new gig and also “The Holidays”, i told myself just like i tell others: “The best time to plant a tree is yesterday. The best time to plant a tree is Now.” So i registered for the 9 week class. At the time, i was very familiar with Stephen Kotler, the founder of FRC given i had read many of his books:

  1. Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think” (2012) – Co-authored with Peter H. Diamandis
  2. Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World” (2015) – Co-authored with Peter H. Diamandis
  3. The Rise of Superman: Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance” (2014)
  4. Tomorrowland: Our Journey from Science Fiction to Science Fact” (2015) – Co-authored with Peter H. Diamandis
  5. Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work” (2017) – Co-authored with Jamie Wheal
  6. The Future is Faster Than You Think: How Converging Technologies Are Transforming Business, Industries, and Our Lives” (2020) – Co-authored with Peter H. Diamandis
  7. The Art of The Impossible: A Peak Performance Primer” (2021)
  8. Gnar Country: Growing Old and Staying Rad” (2023)

I have read all of the ones concerning human performance.

Why did I push this off till now? Well, denial is an amazing psychological force.

In the realm of human performance, few concepts hold as much promise and intrigue as the state of flow. Coined by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, flow refers to a mental state of complete immersion and energized focus in an activity, where individuals experience profound enjoyment and peak performance. Flow is not just a fleeting moment of productivity; it’s a state where time seems to warp, self-vanishes, and optimal performance becomes effortless. Harnessing the power of flow can unlock human potential in remarkable ways.

The Flow Research Collective (FRC) is an organization that has made it its mission to understand, master, and utilize the principles of flow to help individuals and organizations achieve peak performance consistently. Founded by Steven Kotler, a prolific author and leading expert on the subject, and Rian Doris, the CEO, the FRC has journeyed from humble beginnings to becoming a powerhouse in the field of human performance enhancement.

Origins: The Spark of Inspiration

The story of the Flow Research Collective begins with Steven Kotler’s own personal journey. Struggling with Lyme disease, Kotler found himself facing physical and cognitive limitations that profoundly impacted his life and work. Determined to overcome these challenges, he delved deep into the science of human performance, stumbling upon the concept of flow.

Kotler’s fascination with flow led him to explore its intricacies, drawing from neuroscience, psychology, and various research fields. As he began understanding flow mechanics and its transformative potential, he realized the need to share this knowledge with the world. Thus, the seeds of the Flow Research Collective were planted.

Building Momentum: From Vision to Reality

Armed with a vision to unlock human potential through flow, Kotler embarked on a journey to build the Flow Research Collective from the ground up. Collaborating with like-minded individuals and experts in various domains, he set out to create a platform that would serve as a hub for research, education, and practical flow applications.

The early days were marked by relentless dedication and a commitment to excellence. Kotler and his team immersed themselves in the latest scientific literature, conducted experiments, and engaged with practitioners from diverse fields to gain insights into the nature of flow. Through trial and error, they refined their methodologies, developing frameworks and tools to help individuals cultivate flow and achieve peak performance.

Cultivating a Community: The Power of Connection

Central to the Flow Research Collective’s success is its ability to foster a vibrant and engaged community of flow enthusiasts. Through workshops, seminars, online courses, and collaborative projects, the FRC has brought together individuals from all walks of life who share a common passion for unlocking human potential.

The community’s collective nature has been instrumental in accelerating learning and innovation. By sharing experiences, exchanging ideas, and supporting one another, members of the FRC have been able to tap into the group’s collective wisdom, amplifying their individual efforts and achievements.

From Zero to Dangerous: Mastering the Art of Flow

The term “zero to dangerous” (ZTD) encapsulates the ultimate goal of the Flow Research Collective: to empower individuals to transition from a state of inexperience or mediocrity to one of mastery and excellence. Drawing inspiration from the language of fighter pilots who aim to go from zero to dangerous in their skill level, the FRC seeks to help individuals reach a level of proficiency where they can navigate life’s challenges with confidence and grace.

Achieving this level of mastery requires more than just theoretical knowledge; it demands practice, discipline, and a willingness to push beyond one’s comfort zone. Through a combination of cutting-edge research, immersive training experiences, and personalized coaching, the FRC equips individuals with the tools and techniques they need to harness the power of flow and unleash their full potential.

Looking Ahead: A Future of Possibilities

As the Flow Research Collective grows and evolves, the possibilities are endless. From helping athletes and artists achieve peak performance to revolutionizing the way businesses operate, the principles of flow have the potential to transform every aspect of human endeavor.

With advances in technology, neuroscience, and our understanding of human psychology, the FRC is poised to unlock new frontiers in human performance enhancement. By staying true to its mission of understanding, mastering, and leveraging the power of flow, the Flow Research Collective is paving the way for a future where individuals and organizations can thrive like never before.

What is FLOW?

Specifically, “Flow” occurs when individuals are fully immersed in a task, experiencing deep focus, high levels of enjoyment, and a sense of timelessness. In this state, individuals often report feeling in control, highly motivated, and completely absorbed in the activity at hand. Flow typically occurs when the challenge of a task matches an individual’s skill level, leading to a harmonious balance that encourages peak performance and creativity. Achieving flow can enhance productivity, increased well-being, and a sense of fulfillment. The class mentioned herewith trains you to optimize and balance the release of neurochemicals.

In the state of flow, several neurotransmitters and neurochemicals are released, contributing to the heightened sense of focus, motivation, and well-being experienced by individuals. Some of the key neurochemicals involved include:

  1. Dopamine: Often referred to as the “feel-good” neurotransmitter, dopamine is associated with motivation, reward, and pleasure. During flow, dopamine levels increase, reinforcing the behavior and enhancing the feeling of satisfaction associated with being in the zone.
  2. Endorphins: Endorphins are natural painkillers produced by the body and contribute to feelings of euphoria and well-being. In flow, endorphin levels rise, potentially reducing the perception of discomfort or fatigue and promoting a sense of exhilaration.
  3. Serotonin: Serotonin affects mood regulation, emotional balance, and overall well-being. Increased serotonin levels during flow can contribute to a sense of calmness, contentment, and happiness.
  4. Anandamide: Anandamide is a neurotransmitter associated with bliss, joy, and relaxation. Elevated levels of anandamide during flow may enhance individuals’ overall sense of well-being and pleasure.
  5. Norepinephrine: Norepinephrine plays a role in attention, focus, and arousal. In flow, norepinephrine levels increase, heightening alertness, enhancing concentration, and promoting a state of intense focus on the task at hand.

So this class was much more than just a recipe for flow. It was mapping what is called your Maximally Transformative Process.

The Maximally Transformative process (MTP) refers to a structured approach or methodology designed to help individuals achieve peak performance states such as flow more consistently and experience significant personal and professional growth.

This process typically involves a combination of research-based strategies, tools, and techniques derived from fields such as neuroscience, psychology, and peak performance coaching. It aims to help individuals identify and leverage their strengths, optimize their environment for flow, and cultivate the necessary mindset and skills to enter flow states more reliably.

The maximally transformative process often includes elements such as:

  1. Flow Triggers: Identifying specific triggers or conditions that reliably induce flow states for an individual, such as clear goals, immediate feedback, and a balance between challenge and skill.
  2. Flow Cycles: Understanding the stages of the flow cycle (struggle, release, flow, and recovery) and learning to navigate through them effectively to maximize performance and growth.
  3. Psychological Skills Training: Developing mental skills such as focus, resilience, and mindfulness to enhance the ability to enter and sustain flow states under varying conditions.
  4. Environmental Optimization: Structuring one’s physical and social environment to minimize distractions, maximize motivation, and promote optimal conditions for flow.
  5. Feedback and Reflection: Cultivating a practice of self-awareness, reflection, and continuous learning to refine performance and maintain momentum over time.

The actual class was related to achieving this process. As I mentioned earlier, there was a registration process. Upon registration, one is contacted by a representative from RFC. The person who contacted me for a qualifying interview was Maleke Fuentes. He was amazing during the qualification process. He discussed his background and how he became involved with FRC. He was very forthcoming, and I directly asked if FRC accepted all applicants. He flatly stated – NO.

Once you are accepted, you are dropped into both virtual and live classes. Relative to this, the class operationally consists of a pod that meets twice weekly, and then you have 1:1 time with the respective coach.

My coach was the amazing Marcus Lefton. He was very forthcoming and extremely insightful. He openly shared his amazing background and was very candid in pod and 1:1 classes. Given his background, he led by example and proverbially “at his own dog food,” as they say in the software space. He could go vertically deep and horizontally in recommending operationally, physically, and psychologically, as the FRC is extremely life-changing.

The class is broken into deeper steps into the rabbit hole. As one would expect, this can become extremely self-referential, which is the goal of the class.

For instance, there is a class where we are given 90 seconds to write down at least 15 things YOU do well. I, in full transparency, fully failed. I got to about two, maybe three. In one of Stephen Kotler’s books, he stated to write down 25 things you do well. It is difficult. Further, the suggestions and they are brutal in many cases are counter-intuitive, and they work.

Near the end of the class, we had a 1:1, during which we really drilled down into “my” Maximally Transformative Process. He was extremely candid and stated, “Ted, you are usually the shaman and or the genie that grants everyone else’s wishes. Now the genie is standing before you, asking you what you truly want?” i was very taken back as i don’t think in these terms. i just amplify folks at best.

i have not been the same since. Thank you Marcus.

In short, go look into the class. While it is not cheap, how much is your mental and physical health really worth?

As a wise man once said, “People who don’t need self-help books read them, and people who need them don’t read them.” This is usually the case here as all the folks in the pod i was included in were very performant.

The journey of the Flow Research Collective from Zero To Dangerous is a testament to the transformative power of flow. By unlocking the secrets of peak performance and sharing them with the world, the FRC is helping individuals tap into their innate potential and achieve extraordinary feats. One thing is clear as we look to the future: the flow revolution is just beginning, and the possibilities are limitless.

Personally, I can’t say enough about the class and people. Here is the link to the class -> Flow Research Class.

Go invest in yourself.

Until Then,

#iwishyouwater <- Cloudbreak from the surfing, waves and soundtrack.

Muzak To Blarg by : “Bach Synthesis: 15 Inventions”. Amazing.

Snake_Byte[15] Fourier, Discrete and Fast Transformers

The frequency domain of mind (a mind, it must be stressed, is an unextended, massless, immaterial singularity) can produce an extended, spacetime domain of matter via ontological Fourier mathematics, and the two domains interact via inverse and forward Fourier transforms.

~ Dr. Cody Newman, The Ontological Self: The Ontological Mathematics of Consciousness

I am Optimus Transformer Ruler Of The AutoCorrelation Bots

First i trust everyone is safe. i haven’t written technical blog in a while so figured i would write a Snake_Byte on one of my favorite equations The Fourier Transform:

    \[\hat{f} (\xi)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}f(x)e^{-2\pi ix\xi}dx\]

More specifically we will be dealing with the Fast Fourier Transform which is an implementation of The Discrete Fourier Transform. The Fourier Transform operates on continuous signals and while i do believe we will have analog computing devices (again) in the future we have to operate on 0’s and 1’s at this juncture thus we have a discrete version thereof. The discrete version:

    \[F(x) &= f\f[k] &= \sum_{j=0}^{N-1} x[j]\left(e^{-2\pi i k/N}\right)^j\0 &\leq k < N\]


    \[f[k] &= f_e[k]+e^{-2\pi i k/N}f_o[k]\f[k+N/2] &= f_e[k]-e^{-2\pi i k/N}f_o[k]\]

The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is a mathematical operation. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is an efficient algorithm for the evaluation of that operation (actually, a family of such algorithms). However, it is easy to get these two confused. Often, one may see a phrase like “take the FFT of this sequence”, which really means to take the DFT of that sequence using the FFT algorithm to do it efficiently.

The Fourier sequence is a kernel operation for any number of transforms where the kernel is matched to the signal if possible. The Fourier Transform is a series of sin(\theta) and cos(\theta) which makes it really useful for audio and radar analysis.

For the FFT it only takes O(n\log{}n) for the sequence computation and as one would imagine this is a substantial gain. The most commonly used FFT algorithm is the Cooley-Tukey algorithm, which was named after J. W. Cooley and John Tukey. It’s a divide and conquer algorithm for the machine calculation of complex Fourier series. It breaks the DFT into smaller DFTs. Other FFT algorithms include the Rader’s algorithm, Winograd Fourier transform algorithm, Chirp Z-transform algorithm, etc. The only rub comes as a function of the delay throughput.

There have been amazing text books written on this subject and i will list them at the end of the blarg[1,2,3]

So lets get on with some code. First we do the usual houskeeping on import libraries as well as doing some majik for inline display if you are using JupyterNotebooks. Of note ffpack which is a package of Fortran subroutines for the fast Fourier transform. It includes complex, real, sine, cosine, and quarter-wave transforms. It was developed by Paul Swarztrauber of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, and is included in the general-purpose mathematical library SLATEC.

# House keeping libraries imports and inline plots:
import numpy as np
from scipy import fftpack
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl

We now set up some signals where we create a sinusoid with a sample rate. We use linspace to set up the amplitude and signal length.

#frequency in cycles per second or Hertz
#this is equivalent to concert A

Frequency = 20 
# Sampling rate or the number of measurements per second
# This is the rate of digital audio

Sampling_Frequency = 100 

# set up the signal space:
time = np.linspace(0,2,2 * Sampling_Frequency, endpoint = False)
signal = np.sin(Frequency * 2 * np.pi * time)

Next we plot the sinusoid under consideration:

# plot the signal:
fif, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(time, signal)
ax.set_xlabel('Time [seconds]')
ax.set_ylabel('Signal Amplitude')

Next we apply the Fast Fourier Transform and transform into the frequency domain:

X_Hat = fftpack.fft(signal)
Frequency_Component = fftpack.fftfreq(len(signal)) * Sampling_Frequency

We now plot the transformed sinusoid depicting the frequencies we generated:

# plot frequency components of the signal:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.stem(Frequency_Component, np.abs(X_Hat)) # absolute value of spectrum
ax.set_xlabel ('Frequency in Hertz [HZ] Of Transformed Signal')
ax.set_ylabel ('Frequency Domain (Spectrum) Magnitude')
ax.set_xlim(-Sampling_Frequency / 2, Sampling_Frequency / 2)

To note you will see two frequency components, this is because there are positive and negative (real and imaginary) components to the transform which is what we see using the stem plots as expected. This is because the kernel as mentioned before is both sin(\theta) and cos(\theta).

So something really cool happens when using the FFT. It is called the convolution theorem as well as Dual Domain Theory. Convolution in the time domain yields multiplication in the frequency domain. Mathematically, the convolution theorem states that under suitable conditions the Fourier transform of a convolution of two functions (or signals) is the poin-twise (Hadamard multiplication) product of their Fourier transforms. More generally, convolution in one domain (e.g., time domain) equals point-wise multiplication in the other domain (e.g., frequency domain).


    \[x(t)*h(t) &= y(t)\]

    \[X(f) H(f) &= Y(f)\]

So there you have it. A little taster on the powerful Fourier Transform.

Until Then,

#iwishyouwater <- Cloudbreak this past year

Muzak To Blarg by: Voyager Essential Max Ricther. Phenomenal. November is truly staggering.


[1] The Fourier Transform and Its Applications by Dr Ronald N Bracewell. i had the honor of taking the actual class at Stanford University from Professor Bracewell.

[2] The Fourier Transform and Its Applications by E. Roan Brigham. Graet book on butterfly and overlap-add derivations thereof.

[3] Adaptive Digital Signal Processing by Dr. Claude Lindquist. A phenomenal book on frequency domain signal processing and kernel analysis. A book ahead of its time. Professor Lindquist was a mentor and had a direct effect and affect on my career and the way i approach information theory.

¿Por qué haces apnea? (Why Do You Freedive?) and 9/11

Me Manifesting And Searching (photo by @clay.motus.liquidum)

I need the sea because it teaches me. I don’t know if I learn music or awareness, if it’s a single wave or its vast existence, or only its harsh voice or its shining suggestion of fishes and ships. The fact is that until I fall asleep, in some magnetic way I move in
the university of the waves.

~ Pablo Neruda

First i trust everyone is safe. Second today is a day that will live forever in most minds as a day that i call ‘When Belief Systems Run Amuck (WBSRA)”.

To those who lost loves ones on 9.11 my condolences. To those who are permanently scarred may peace eventually see its’ way unto and into you.

It is not random that one of my dear friends “JH” is relocating this very week to Charleston, SC. He was in the North tower on the 87th floor when the “WBSRA” occurred.

He is a great human. We are going to have a blast when he gets here.

Recently more than ever humans around me have been talking more and more about “stuff” they do besides “working” and inevitably as we are discussing these outside work endeavors someone mentions that i freedive.

Clay T. Talley Rappelling Underwater (photo Tanner Peterson @depthwishfreediving)

It goes something like this:

Human: Ted freedives.

Everyone: ( looking at me like i have obtained the classified UAP documents from the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO)…)

Me: Yup.

Human: Wow really?

Me: (thinking… No i just lie about stuff like that…) Why Yes i do.

Me and @clay.motus.liquidum (photo courtesy of @depthwishfreediving)

Human: Have you seen “Deepest Breath” On Netflix?

Me: While i do not watch hardly any TV i did view it and yes it was amazing. The people in that video are the best of the best in the world and i have met one or two of them and have been coached and critiqued by some of them. i’m no where in their league.

Human: So really is it one breath? There must be some trick? How long can you hold your breath? How deep do you go?

Me: Yes, No, about 4:00+ minutes and i have broken 100ft . None of it really matters as the folks who are great, i pale in comparison, but it is a starting point. It is also not a contest with others. While there are competitions the only competitor is you and the water.

Me coming up from looking at the sand somewhere (photo courtesy of @depthwishfreediving)

Human: What is it like?

Me: It is truth. If there is a truth to life it is closer to living with the exception at least for me, what i find in surfing. Although the two are very different, the results, from to time, are the same. Complete un-adulterated FLOW STATE. The free fall is very close to getting a full tube ride. It is all enveloping it is not like meditating as some people think it is, although, there is a somnambulistic component to the free fall.

Clay Talley and Jacob Talley the day Jacob was certified (photo courtesy of @depthwishfreediving)

Human: What is freefall?

Me: That is after you get down to about 14 meters which is around 45 feet that is 3 atmospheres of pressure you start getting pulled down the elevator shaft as i call it. You can feel the water rushing by you and the sounds rushing, depending on if your hooked to a line or just letting your hand brush the dive line. Then as you go deeper it gets more enveloping.

Me: See your Mammalian Dive Reflect kicks in, your MDR, the master switch as it were. The sensors are still in our face. This is why it feels so nice to splash water on your face or take a shower. All those negative ions getting you balanced into BlueMind. There is much we have forgotten as a race. There is an excellent book called BlueMind i highly recommend.

Me, Thomas Tanner (@itstomfoolery) and My Nephew, Ty Tanner (@tytanner_) the day they got certified

(photo courtesy of @depthwishfreediving)

Human: Yea but how can you hold your breath that long?

Me: Practice. Actually it all happened in one weekend at Performance Freediving Institute (PFI). Me and my waterman commrade Clay Talley went down on a Friday and took a class after we read a book called “One Breath” and got turned onto a song called “Waves” by Bahamas. We have been training with weights in the pool for about 15 years for surfing then this freediving wonderland rabbit hole came along. We could easily get you to over a 2:30 breath hold in one day. Nothing prepared us for what was to come.

Human: I don’t see how that is possible.

Me: Well, i suppose with an attitude like that nothing is possible, but at least we gave it the benefit of the doubt and when we got certified. It was really intense due to several factors that i would have to explain later. However by far my certification was in one of the top experiences of my life and about as close to a religious experience as one could get.

My Son Thomas Tanner getting certified with Tanner Peterson Lower Left (photo courtesy of @tctjr)

Then then THE question:

Human: Why do you do it?

Me: Do what? Freedive?

Human: Yes.

This, Oh Dear Reader is where we start getting to the essence of the blog. Hope Y’all are still tuned-in to the channel.

To every sailor the gods have given a comrade
While one sleeps the other keeps watch on the bridge
When one doubts the other gives him his faith
When one falls the other discovers the oasis of ice for both of them
When my comrade loses faith I laugh confidently
When my comrade sleeps I keep watch for him
When my comrade falls I fight on for the both of us
Because to every sailor the gods have given a comrade

~ Blood Axis

Me: Well it is complicated. One of my best friends died freediving. He was one of the few people who really knew me and and happened to be the best coding computer scientist i have ever met, as well as an expert Waterman.

Me wondering what the Puppies are Thinking. (photo courtesy @clay.motus.luquidum)

Human: Oh i had no idea i am so sorry.

Me: Oh please no need for condolences. i’ll never get over it but that is a different issue. That said to answer your question i got into it because i wanted to understand how one of the smartest most fit watermen i have ever met came to his demise doing what he loved. i had to know or at least try to understand what Steven was searching for given i knew him so well.

It’s not tragic to die doing something you love.

~ Mark Foo

Me: See i kinda blew it off years ago when he kept talking about freediving and how incredible it was and in fact the last thing he said to me was he was really happy. That is really all i cared about to be honest. However it still nagged at me about there was a facet of “The Water” i hadn’t addressed.

So through a very seemingly random occurrence which to me wasn’t random at all i ran across the book “One Breath” which was a story of the death of one of the greatest freedivers of all time. So we (me and my commrade Clay Talley) finally got around to getting down so to speak and since then it has been a continual Alice in Wonderland – Down The Rabbit Hole. Besides the fact that you burn about 800-1000 calories an hour freediving it only teaches you more about yourself. It is indeed a fractal situation – the more complex – the more complex – the more simple – the more simple.

Me ascending and hanging out in Bonaire with Carlos Coste

(photo courtesy of @carloscoste1 of @blueclassroom and @freediveeexplorations)

Ted, Its all in Your Mind, Get me? Understand What I am saying?!

~ Cole Heitt

Me: Its really a super performant sport. All of the people that i have met have been physicists, composers, lawyers, bankers, technical folks and many have walked away from those careers in full pursuit of freediving. Everyone is very open, welcoming and focused. There is little to no overhead with some of the crap that you get with other sports endeavors, it is very binary. As an aside i personally want to dive with Sperm Whales.

Human: Yes but what about your friend?

Me: Well if i could have a discussion with him first i would punch him for being stupid then i would hug him, tell him i love him and say lets go for a freedive and this time i’ll be up and you be down.

Clay Talley Searching For Clay T. Talley

Me: Feel free to come down and get in the pool or we can take you down and get certified.

Human: Really?

Me: Of course and you can’t blame me for what will happen afterward.

To everyone that has ever asked me this is why i freedive. I needed to understand why and it has turned into a mirror for me.

On September 11, 2005, Steven Swenson took his last breath. However i know he was happy in fact the happiest i have ever heard him.

Recently his favorite musician past away, Jimmy Buffett. Steven’s favorite song was Son of A Son of A Sailor. He also liked “That is What Living Is to Me” and “One Particular Harbor”. I would like to think they are sharing sailing stories with each other with wind in their hair and water in their shoes.

Do me a favor if you knew him go listen to any of those songs and if you didn’t know him go listen and raise a glass to the ocean. i would also greatly appreciate it.

Mickey Talley @mich.888 Pushing Past Her Own Thoughts (photo courtesy @clay.motus.liquidum)

So there you have it folks.

Until Then,

#iwishyouwater <- Me and Present Crew Getting After it @iwishyouwater


Music To Blog By: The version of “Little Wing/ Third Stone: From The Sun off SRV archives and some Jimmy Buffett. The Tuck and Patti version of Castles Made of Sand / Little Wing is amazing as well.

Note: With Much Love to Roma, Lief and Gage.

Quality Over Quantity (Part D’eux)

Determination, energy, and courage appear spontaneously when we care deeply about something. We take risks that are unimaginable in any other context.

Margaret J. Wheatley

First i trust everyone is safe. Second sometimes the LazyWebTM can actually be a really cool place. Someone out there used an amazing thing called a LARGE LANGUAGE MODEL AKA ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE to make a song out of a book passage that closely relates to my previous blog on Quality Over Quantity. The book is entitled The Greatest Salesman In The World. Here is that passage:

“I will persist until I succeed.

I was not delivered unto this world in defeat, nor does failure course in my veins. I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my shepherd. I am a lion and I refuse to talk, to walk, to sleep with the sheep. I will hear not those who weep and complain, for their disease is contagious. Let them join the sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny.

I will persist until I succeed.

The prizes of life are at the end of each journey, not near the beginning; and it is not given to me to know how many steps are necessary in order to reach my goal. Failure I may still encounter at the thousandth step, yet success hides behind the next bend in the road. Never will I know how close it lies unless I turn the corner.

Always will I take another step. If that is of no avail I will take another, and yet another. In truth, one step at a time is not too difficult.

I will persist until I succeed.”1

Then they “told” ChatGPT the person(s) behind the green curtain to write a metal song using the above passage:

(Verse 1)
Hear my mantra echo, “Persist until success,
Born not to the world in defeat, nor failure’s caress.
Not a sheep in the herd, prodded, guided by the rest,
I am the lion roaring, refusal in my chest.

I won’t be moved by tears and whines, their sickness I’ll resist,
In the abattoir of failure, I’ll never coexist.
The end of every journey hides the precious prize,
One more step around the bend, where success quietly lies.

(Verse 2)
Step by step, relentless, no distance is too great,
Every challenge faced is just another weight.
My efforts like the blade, the mighty oak I strike,
Insignificant they seem, but will fell the tree in time.

Like rain that washes mountains, the ant that feasts on tigers bold,
I am the star that lights the earth, the tale that’s yet untold.
Building castles, brick by brick, with each repeated trial,
Persist until I succeed, in my journey, every mile.

Defeat is not a concept, its words I shall erase,
Quitting, failure, impossible, all fall from grace.
Obstacles may rise, despair may cloud the way,
Yet above it all, my gaze is fixed, where greener pastures lay.

Persist until I succeed, let this anthem ring,
Born a lion, not a sheep, to my purpose, I will cling.
Journey’s end may hide the prize, step by step I’ll tread,
In the echoes of the night, let my mantra be heard and said.

I will persist until I succeed, etched in stars, this creed,
For I am the lion roaring, fulfilling every need.
The end of every journey hides the precious prize,
Persist until I succeed, echoes my eternal cry.

The book talks about The Art Of Living wherein there is the World’s Greatest Salesmen who was given some scrolls he must past to another person who he must identify with as being the keeper of the scrolls. The book goes into depth and each chapter is a scroll. A teaching if you will for being the world’s greatest salesmen so you as being the reader are immersed into this world.

Maybe someone will put some music to these words. i was thinking something like a Thin Lizzy feel if you will.

Until Then,

#iwishyouwater. <- WSL Live. Teahpoo Tahiti.


  1. OG Mandino: The Greatest Salesman In the World also referring to the #ArtOfLiving a class created by McConaughey and Tony Robbins ↩︎