“With heart and hand I pledge you while I load my gun again, you will never be forgotten or the enemy forgiven, my good comrade.”
~ A.S.L.
As I just told the wife of Steven Swenson – this evening – I did not have the intention to write anything today. As I lifted weights this morning hoping they would lie to me concerning the poundage and watching the scenes of 9.11 – I remember 10 years ago – today – getting quite a different phone call four years after said terrorist tragedy based on some theistic apparition. I hadn’t intended to write anything however many times intent can vacillate. This vacillation was exacerbated by inquiry from a person who was wondering how a team came together eating steaks – so I answered him. Which in turn led him to comment “You should write a book.” Yes well 10 years ago it was to be called “From The Valley To The Sea.”
Its been a decade. Its time for some closure. However one last little tidbit.
Sven: “Hey man i’m gonna cast off, you wanna take it down from San Juan to San Fran?”
Me: “Nah i gotta hit the road get on the tin bird.”
Sven:” So I’m gonna tell them I am leaving.”
Me: “Nah man dont do that just keep checking in the code via the wireless McGiver Rig”
(Note: Way pre ubiquitous wi-fi days)
Sven: “Think it will work?”
Me: “Sure I’ll run interference.”
In the book I’ll come clean on how I accomplished this…
This lasted 3 months before they found out…
So I was told its time to start writing. One last thing before i sign off. Roma, Leif and Gage – Steven would be very proud of all of you.
Oh yea and here is the Micgiver Rig… HAIL SVEN!