What Is Your Eulogy? (Memento Mori – Memento Vivre)

Dalle’s Idea of a Crypt Monument

One life on this earth is all that we get, whether it is enough or not enough, and the obvious conclusion would seem to be that at the very least we are fools if we do not live it as fully and bravely and beautifully as we can.

Frederick Buechner

First, as always, i trust everyone is safe. Second, i trust everyone had an amazing holiday with your family and friends hopefully did something “screen-free”. It is the start of a new year.

i am changing gears just a little and writing on a subject that, at first blush, might appear morose, yet it is not. in fact quite the opposite.

What Is Your Eulogy?

Yep i went THERE. (Ever notice that once you arrive, you are there and think about somewhere else?)

If you go to my About page, you will see that I set this site up mainly to be a memory machine for me and a digital reference for My Family and Friends in addition, if along the way, i entertain someone on the WorldWideWait(tm) all the better. A reference for a future memory if you will.

I am taking complete editorial advantage of paying the AWS bill every month, and there is a “.org” at the end of the site name denoting a not-for-profit site supposedly like a religion. i can say what i want, i suppose—well, still within reason nowadays. Free Speech, They Said… Yet, I digress.

I will persist until I succeed.

I was not delivered unto this world in defeat, nor does failure course in my veins. I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my shepherd. I am a lion and I refuse to talk, to walk, to sleep with the sheep. I will hear not those who weep and complain, for their disease is contagious. Let them join the sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny.

I will persist until I succeed.

~ OG Mandino

For context, this subject matter was initiated on the conflagration of several disparate events:

  1. i introduced one of my progeny to Mozart’s Requiem in D minor, K. 626, aka Lacrimosa. We discussed the word Requiem, and then she immediately informed me that Lacrimosa means Sorrow in Latin and in the key of D minor. Wow, thank you, i said. (maybe something is sticking…)
  2. An old friend whom I hadn’t seen in years passed away the day after I emailed him I contacted him to discuss some audio subject material that I enjoyed speaking with him about in detail. Alas, another cancer victim.
  3. i took a class put on by Mathew McConaughey and Tony Robbins called “The Art of Living” and the book The Greatest Salesman by OG Madino was featured in class.
  4. i took yet another class from the amazing Flow Research Collective Group. You can read a review here.
  5. Since I started this piece, even more humans who are dear to me have passed or received extremely dire news.
  6. i just wanted to scribe these thoughts in order to “remind me to remember”.

Life Should be One Great Adventure or Nothing.

Helen Keller

So here we go… it is tl;dr fo’ sho’.

In one of the aforementioned classes, the subject matter was the title of this blog. I originally had planned to calll this blog “Do Not Be Awed Into Submission,” where most people nowadays are “awed” by TikTok,Instagram or YouTube videos of people doing stuff and keep themselves from truly creating and DOING stuff in their own lives. They just sit and watch sports, listen to podcasts and “consume” without using that information to create. It seems to me, at least, that most people nowadays spectate instead of create or participate.

Yet i started reflecting on the subject matter as this blog has been in draft form for over a year. Another year passed, another amazing birthday (afaic the most important holiday), and here we are, a New Year into 2025.

So given all that context and background:

What do i want to be known for when Ye Ole #EndOTimes is forthcoming? (Note: for those word freaks out there, it is called Eschatology from Greek (who else?) ἔσχατος (éskhatos).

Joe has just worked himself into an imaginary frenzy during the fade-out of his imaginary song,
He begins to feel depressed now. He knows the end is near. He has realized
at last that imaginary guitar notes and imaginary vocals exist only in the mind
of the imaginer.
And ultimately, who gives a f**k anyway? HAHAHAHA!…Excuse me…so who gives a f**k anyway? So he goes back to his ugly little room and quietly dreams his last imaginary guitar solo…

~ Frank Zappa From Watermelon In Easter Hey

i believe at this point, at the end of this thing called life, pretty much for me, are the following attributes that i want to be known for as best as possible i can be:

  • Honor and Integrity
  • Brutal Honesty
  • Living Life Loud
  • Improving Oneself Daily (mentally, physically, emotionally)
  • Loving (and Hating)
  • Quality Over Quantity
  • Maintaining a sheer sense of wonder and awe for Life

If you note, most of these items are items i can control or affect. You say well, what about being a good friend, spouse, parent? Well, to the best of your ability, you can try to be the best at those, but ultimately, someone else is judging YOU. In fact, we are always judged, and in fact, I will say that most people judge – consciously or subconsciously, ergo, Judge as Ye Be Judged.

As well as, and i hope duly noted, some of those items are controversial. Oh Dear Reader, this wont be the first time i have been associated with controversial.

You have enemies? Why, it is the story of every man who has done a great deed or created a new idea. It is the cloud which thunders around everything that shines. Fame must have enemies, as light must have gnats. Do not bother yourself about it; disdain. Keep your mind serene as you keep your life clear.

~ Victor Hugo

To the best of my ability, I will attempt to provide definitions and context for the above attributes. One additional context is that these are couched in “individualistic” references, not societal norms, overlays or programming.

  1. Honor and Integrity

Honor and integrity are ethical concepts that are often intertwined but have distinct meanings:


Honor refers to high respect and esteem, often tied to one’s actions, character, and adherence to a code of conduct. It is about upholding a personal set of values considered virtuous and deserving of respect and maintaining one’s reputation and dignity through ethical behavior and moral decision-making.


Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. It involves consistently adhering to ethical standards and being truthful, fair, and just in all situations. Key aspects of integrity include being truthful and transparent in one’s actions and communications and acting according to one’s values and principles even when it is challenging, inconvenient, or, in many cases, seemingly impossible.

Essentially, it is standing up for “what is right” (as one views in and unto oneself), even within and to the point of adversity or personal loss.

What is good? – All that heightens the feelings of power, the will to power, power itself in man. What is bad? – All that proceeds from weakness. What is happiness? – The feeling that power increases – that a resistance is overcome.

~ Friedrich Nietzsche

Honor and integrity form the foundation of a trustworthy and respected character. Honor emphasizes the external recognition of one’s ethical behavior, while integrity focuses on the internal adherence to moral principles. Your moral compass is extremely individualistic. In full transparency given that i believe there is no original sin some have questioned how in the world can i have such moral character. Literally, someone said to me: “Given how you view things, how do you have such high morals compared to everyone else.” (NOTE: This question came from a very religious, devout, wonderful person i love.).

It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.

~ Andre Gide

Brutal Honesty

Brutal honesty refers to being extremely direct and unfiltered in communication, often to the point of being blunt or harsh. This form of honesty prioritizes telling the truth without considering the potential impact on the feelings or reactions of others. It sorta kinda exactly goes hand in hand with Integrity which in turn connects to Honor.

Key aspects of brutal honesty include:

Directness: Providing straightforward and unvarnished truth without sugarcoating or softening the message.

Bluntness: Being frank (or Ted) and candid, even if the truth may be uncomfortable or hurtful.

There isn’t a coffee table book entitled “Mediocore Humans In History”

~ C.T.T.

So why try to toe the Brutal Honesty Line?

Clarity: It can eliminate misunderstandings and provide a clear and unambiguous message. Also, it lets people know where you stand.

Trust: Some people appreciate brutal honesty because it demonstrates a commitment to truthfulness and transparency. I’ve had folks come back to me later and thanked me. Which is really rad of them.

Efficiency: It can get to the heart of an issue without dancing around the subject. Once again, note the time savings component. It saves a ton of time. HUUUUUUOOOOOGGGEEE time saver.

Potential Drawbacks

If you are delivering negative information to someone this can have drawbacks. If you are delivering positive news, do it with gusto! However, this situation can occur.

Hurt Feelings: It can cause emotional harm or strain relationships due to the harsh delivery. Deliver honest negative information with proper propriety and courtesy. They will hopefully get over it if they have any self-reflection.

Perception of Rudeness: It may be perceived as insensitive, disrespectful, lack of empathy, or unnecessarily harsh. However, if you are running a company or in a particularly toxic relationship, great results take drastic measures.

Conflict: It can lead to conflicts or defensive reactions from those who receive the message. Some say life is all conflict. Once again don’t go looking for trouble but you cannot shy away from interactions.

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

 ~ Thomas Paine 

Caveat Emptor: As implicit in the above commentary, Brutal Honesty should be balanced with surgical and thoughtful empathy and, shall we say, nuance to ensure that the truth is communicated effectively and respectfully. For instance, it is okay to lie and say someone’s baby is cute. In the same fashion, eating everything on your plate when they have asked you over for supper at a neighbor’s house is also good manners, even though you probably do not like well-done pot roast and peas. Say thank you, and it was delicious. In Everything, practice propriety and courtesy.

When you have lived your individual life in YOUR OWN adventurous way and then look back upon its course, you will find that you have lived a model human life, after all.

Professor Joseph Campbell

2. “Living Life Loud” is a phrase that conveys embracing life with enthusiasm, boldness, and authenticity. It suggests living in a way that is vibrant, expressive, and true to oneself. To be authentic and true to yourself, and to embrace your passions and unique perspectives. It can also mean living intentionally and unapologetically, pursuing your dreams with enthusiasm, and stepping outside of your comfort zone.

Here are some aspects of what it means to Live Life Loud:

Authenticity: Being true to yourself and not being afraid to show your true colors, even if they differ from societal norms or expectations.

Boldness: Taking risks, stepping out of your comfort zone, and confidently pursuing your passions and dreams.

Enthusiasm: Approaching life with energy and excitement, making the most out of every moment.

Courage: Facing challenges head-on and standing up for what you believe in, even when it’s difficult.

I wonder, I wonder what you would do if you had the power to dream any dream you wanted to dream?

~ Alan Watts

This seems rather nebulous in some cases, so let us get a little more specific with some examples.

Pursuing Dreams: Actively chasing your goals and aspirations, regardless of how daunting they may seem. Most dreams are impossible; otherwise, they wouldn’t be dreams.

Taking Risks: Being willing to try new things, even if there’s a chance of failure. It goes hand in hand with Pursuing Your Dreams. Someone once said “I need to surf big waves with two oxygen tanks,” i said well you cant surf them then. In the same vein someone told me when discussing my view on creating companies: “I cant take that risk.”, i asked well you drive a car? Trust me that is a much larger risk everyday.”

In the next five seconds what are you going to do to make your life spectacular?

~ Tim O’Reilly

Being Outspoken: Sharing your opinions and ideas confidently, without fear of judgment. Not bragging. Being forthright in your views and taking responsibility for those views. Owning them and being prepared to defend them.

Celebrating Uniqueness: Embracing what makes you different and showcasing it proudly (not loudly). However, not to the point of narcism. Of course, I hear Tyler Durden saying, “You are not a unique snowflake,” whilst also saying, “You are not your f-ing khakis!”

So why live life loud? Well, I’m glad you asked. Here are just some that I wrote down: Being open and expressive can help build deeper, more meaningful relationships. Brutal Honesty with Onesself and the Universe.

This chooses by definition a life of surprise. Living outside the realm of societal norms in most cases.

Potential Challenges

Judgment: Judge So Ye Be Judged! Others may not always understand or accept your loud approach to life, which can lead to criticism or judgment. THEY are going to judge anyway. In fact THEY have judged even before you started living life loud. Why? Because most who judge follow The Herd mentality of Social Norms.

Risk of Failure: Taking bold steps can sometimes lead to setbacks or failures, which require resilience to overcome. However my “hot-take” (isn’t that the lingo?) is once you have stepped out on the edge and attempted to create or do or launch yourself into the air over ice or over the ledge of a heaving wave – YOU WON! Analysis to paralysis is death. Hesitation Kills folks. Remember if you fail you have no where to go but up and if it is a big enough failure you have a great story!

Vulnerability: Being authentic and expressive means being vulnerable, which will be in most cases uncomfortable, I’d rather crawl through glass attempting to obtain My Personal Legend that sit back and think i could have done or what might have been. In fact, most people are frightened more of living the extreme dream than failing. they would rather fail or even said they failed and quit.

All we hear is radio ga ga

Radio goo goo

Radio ga ga

All we hear is radio ga ga

Radio blah, blah

~ Radio GA GA, Queen

Living Life Loud is about making the most of your existence, embracing who you are, and not being afraid to live boldly and authentically. Go to the extreme of that dream, as extreme as you can obtain because, Dear Reader, there are no circumstances, and once you move toward Living Life Loud, there are even as i once believed – no Consequences.

Caveat Emptor: There is no free lunch here at all. The path you choose for your bliss is expensive. The collateral damage is mult-modal. it has been said Humans love a winner but they love a looser more because it makes them feel better about themselves. This also gets into our subconscious programming from society and our families. My Mother not too long ago when i was discussing a subject concerning “taking care of them” and she responded: You go live your life and make no decisions based on others. Others should be so lucky, but they aren’t. The hardest path is YOUR true path. Choose it. Hold It. Protect IT.

Respice post te. Hominem te esse memento. Memento mori.” (“Look after yourself. Remember you’re a man. Remember you will die.”). 

~The 2nd-century Christian writer Tertullian reports a general said this during a procession

3. Improving Oneself Daily

Improving oneself mentally, physically, and “spiritually” daily involves a commitment to continuous personal development in both the mind and body. This holistic approach to self-improvement includes activities and habits that promote mental clarity, emotional well-being, and physical health. Here’s a breakdown of what it means:


Learning: Engaging in activities that stimulate your mind, such as reading, studying, or learning new skills.

Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness or meditation to enhance self-awareness, reduce stress, and improve mental clarity.

Positive Thinking: Cultivating a positive mindset by focusing on gratitude, affirmations, and reframing negative thoughts. Stay away from pessimistic people and naysayers.

Problem-Solving: Challenging yourself with puzzles, games, or new experiences that require critical thinking and creativity. Study the subject of neo-plasticity. Brush your teeth with the opposite hand for a week. Drive a new path without Apple/Google/Waze Maps. Or do what i like to do Freedive. Click and read.

Emotional Health: Managing emotions effectively through journaling, therapy, or talking to trusted friends or family members. Take martial arts for defense and emotional health. Punch a bag. Lift heavy weights. Love animals.

Reading: Read, Read and Read More. Not trash novels but deep nonfiction and fiction. Write, take notes when you read.


Exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity, whether it’s strength training, cardio, yoga, or any other form of exercise that keeps your body active and strong. Get up and MOVE!

Nutrition: Eating a balanced and nutritious diet that fuels your body and supports overall health. i happen to trend towards canivore. It’s difficult, but it changed my life. Again, eating meat lifts heavy things.

Sleep: Ensuring you get adequate and quality sleep to allow your body and mind to recover and function optimally. i can sleep standing up in an airport. Learn how to take power naps.

Daily Habits

Consistency: Make these activities a part of your daily routine to ensure continuous improvement. Discipline above all. Not grit or determination but Discipline. Have a morning routine. Or any routine then allows you the mental freedom to go to other places mentally and physically. Takes cognitive load off you and reduces friction. Eat the same things, dress the same way.

Goal Setting: Setting small, achievable goals that contribute to your long-term personal development. Make your bed everyday. Set goals in the am then reflect in pm. How could you do better tomorrow? Take time each day to reflect on your progress, identify areas for improvement, and celebrate your achievements.

Adaptability: Being open to change and willing to adjust your habits and routines as you learn what works best for you. Try things you wouldn’t normally do – listen to smooth jazz. Try Hot Yoga. Do stuff then you can optimize to your liking. You might try it and like it.

Improving oneself mentally and physically daily is a lifelong commitment to becoming the best version of yourself. It involves dedication, consistency, and a willingness to learn and adapt continually. It is all based on discipline. Full stop. Not motivation, not grit not anything but getting up and MOVING. Go do the thing that scares. you the most or the thing that you deplore the most – D I S C I P L I NE. i lift every day and read something every day.

Without contrairies there no progression. Attraction and replusion, reason and energy, love and hate are necessary for human existence.

~ William Blake

4. Loving (and Hating)

The idea of experiencing both love and hate at their fullest potential emphasizes the importance of embracing the full spectrum of human emotions to lead a richer, more authentic life.

Emotional Authenticity

Full Range of Experience: Experiencing the full range of emotions allows for a deeper understanding of oneself and others. It means accepting and acknowledging all feelings rather than suppressing them. i call this the dynamic range of life. Western society suppresses everything except sadness. it is ok to be sad. Be enraged. Be Full Of Lust and Desire. Know were your limits are if there are any and learn to regulate them as needed.

Self-Awareness: Fully engaging with both love and hate can lead to greater self-awareness and insight into what matters to you and why. If i have been guilty of something is not being aware enough. If there is original sin afaic it is stupidity and non-awareness. Funny how they go hand in hand and do related to loving and hating.

Learning Opportunities: Intense emotions, whether positive or negative, can be powerful teachers. They provide opportunities to learn about your triggers, strengths, weaknesses, and values. Putting yourself out there past the pale teaches you quickly and well. Strong emotions can inspire creativity, leading to profound art, writing, music, and other forms of expression.

Resilience: Navigating through both love and hate can build emotional resilience, helping you manage future challenges more effectively. Experiencing hate or intense dislike can make you appreciate love and positive emotions more deeply, providing a balanced perspective on life. Salt and Pepper anyone?

Remember when you were young, you shown like the Sun. Shine On you Crazy Diamond!

~ Pink Floyd “Shine On You Crazy Diamond”

Loving and Hating will lead to Authentic Relationships.

Deeper Connections: Loving deeply fosters strong, meaningful relationships. Being open about negative emotions can also lead to more honest and authentic interactions. Strong emotions can inspire creativity, leading to profound art, writing, music, and other forms of expression. Confronting and understanding negative emotions can lead to healthier conflict resolution and stronger relationships in the long term.

Caveats and Considerations when Loving and Hating

Caveat Emptor: It’s important to express both love and hate in healthy, constructive ways. While deep emotions are natural, how you act on them matters significantly. Ensure that the expression of intense emotions does not harm yourself or others. Finding healthy outlets for negative emotions is crucial. While experiencing emotions entirely is valuable, maintaining a balance is important. Overwhelming negativity or unchecked hatred can be destructive, so it’s essential to seek ways to manage and balance these emotions. Also sometimes we must practice complete indifference. Embracing both love and hate fully can lead to a richer, more nuanced understanding of life, fostering personal growth, deeper relationships, and a more authentic existence.

And the Germans killed the Jews
And the Jews killed the Arabs
And Arabs killed the hostages
And that is the news
And is it any wonder
That the monkey’s confused

~ Perfect Sense Part 1, Roger Waters

5. Quality Over Quantity

The phrase “quality over quantity” as a human value emphasizes prioritizing the excellence, depth, or meaningfulness of something over merely having more of it. It’s a mindset that values richness, purpose, and intentionality over excess or superficial accumulation. i have a saying: “Best Fewest.” You get the best humans that know how to do something together they can create anything.

Relationships: Valuing meaningful, deep connections with a few people rather than having a large network of acquaintances. Iihave a very small network i can count on one hand, i completely trust. Once you get over 30 you find out who really cares about you. See the quote at the end of the blog. Really those who matter just want you truly happy.

Work: Focusing on producing exceptional work or projects instead of completing many tasks without significant impact or value. That 9 am standup is it really needed? Cant we automate this excel spreadsheet? Think much? Work yourself out of a job and into your passion.

Material Possessions: Preferring fewer high-quality, durable items rather than many cheap, disposable ones. But a high quality custom suit or dress – three of them. Prada, Sene etc. Black, navy, or dark blue with custom shirts. i happen to prefer fench cuffs with cuff links. They never go out of style and will last forever.

There are many who would take my time, I shun them. There are some who share my time, I am entertained by them. There are precious few who contribute to my time, I cherish them.

~ A.S.L.

Time Management: Spending your time on activities that matter and bring fulfillment rather than filling your schedule with things that feel busy but are unimportant or things that people put on you. The above quote is my favorite quote in my life, and if i do have a tombstone, i want it on it. EMBLAZONED!

Essentially, it’s a principle that asks, “What truly matters?” and reminds us to focus on what brings genuine value and satisfaction rather than chasing quantity for the sake of just having more of something.

6. Maintaining a sheer sense of wonder and awe for life

Maintaining a sheer sense of wonder and awe for life means approaching the world with curiosity, gratitude, and an openness to its beauty and mysteries. BE AMAZED AT THE THRALL OF IT ALL! It’s about deeply appreciating the small and large marvels around you—whether it’s the intricacies of nature, the complexities of human connections, or the endless potential for discovery and growth. YOU ARE READING <THIS>. Check out my blog Look Up and Down and All Around – has some cool pictures as well.

It involves letting go of jadedness or routine and instead choosing to see the extraordinary in the ordinary. This mindset keeps you engaged, inspired, and connected to the richness of life, no matter the circumstances. It’s like seeing the world through the eyes of a child, where everything holds the potential for fascination and joy. Turn up the back channel like when you were a child. Be Aware! Be Amazed! Wonder what it is like to be a tree or a rock!

i can say unequivocally that while i have many more mistakes than “performing tasks in a correct fashion” that i have lived a loud and truly individuated life. Would i do things differently? Sure some. I probably would have “sent” it even harder, and past eleven pretty much on everything. i can truly say that i left everything out in the ocean, nothing in the bag and gave it my all. Remember: Take care of those you call your own and keep good company:, storms never last and the forecast calls for Blue Skies!

Enough for now.

For those that truly know me, you know, and I cherish you. 🤘🏻💜.

Until Then,


#iwishyouwater <- if i could do it again, i would live this life. He got the memo.

Music To Blog By: All Of the versions of “Watermelon in Easter Hay”, full name “Playing a Guitar Solo With This Band is Like Trying To Grow a Watermelon in Easter Hay, by Frank Zappa (covers etc) i could find and just loop them. There is even a blue grass version. In their review of the album, Down Beat magazine criticized the song (i despise critics), but subsequent reviewers championed it as Zappa’s masterpiece. Kelly Fisher Lowe called it the “crowning achievement of the album” and “one of the most gorgeous pieces of music ever produced.” I must agree. Supposedly, Zappa told Neil Slaven that he thought it was “the best song on the album. “Watermelon in Easter Hay” is in 9/4 time. The song’s hypnotic arpeggiated pattern is played throughout the song’s nine minutes. The 9/4 time signature keeps the song’s two-chord harmonic structure which until you really listen you don’t realize its a two chord structure.  For me i think it is one of the most sonically amazing pieces of music ever written and produced. Sonically, the reverb is amazing. Sonically, the maribas are astounding. Sonically the orchestral percussion is mesmerizing. The song after Watermelon on Joe’s Garage is completely hilarious, “Little Green Rosetta,”and I am putting that on the going away party playlist, and I hope people dance in a conga or kick line and sing it. The grass bone to the ankle bone (listen to the song…).

Think about it a very mediocre guy imagining how he could play, if he could play anything that he wanted to play? Get the reference to the entire blog? Ala Alan Watts, if you could dream any dream, you want to dream? Then what?

The song is, in effect, a dream of freedom.

Here are some other details about “Watermelon in Easter Hay”:

  • The song’s two alternating harmonies are A and B / E, linked by a G#. 
  • The song is introduced by Zappa as the Central Scrutinizer, which then gives way to a guitar solo. 
  • The song’s snare accents have a lot of reverb and delay, creating a swooosh sound that sometimes sounds like wind. 
  • The song’s guitar solo is the only guitar solo specifically recorded for the album.  All others are from a technique known as xenochronous.
  • Rumor has it Dweezil Zappa is the only person allowed to play it.
  • Someone called the song intoxicating in one of my other blogs on the Zappa Documentary. Kind of like a really good baklava.

And a couple more items for your thoughts:

Its so hard to forget pain but its even harder to remember hapiness. We have no scar to show for hapiness. We learn so little from peace.

~ Chuck Palahnuik (author of fight club, choke etc)

Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.

~ Dr. Suess

i listen to this every morning. Rest In Power Maestro with the amazing Susanna Rigacci:

How One Of The G.O.A.T.(s) Changed My Life

A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you.

Bob Proctor
The Religious Tomes Of Digital Audio by Professor Ken Pohlmann

First, i trust this finds everyone well. All kinds of craziness abound in the world; for those affected by recent events, my condolences. Second, I was compelled to write a blog after some commentary on LinkedIn concerning mentors and people who changed some of our lives.

You can find the discussion here. <- Click

Dear reader this is a very personal blog so bear with me i have told few if any this story. Oftentimes, the Universe speaks, and when it does, listen.

i had the extreme luxury and luck to attend graduate school at The University Of Miami Frost School Of Music, specializing in Music Engineering. Here is a little history copypasta’d from the website:

“The Graduate Music Engineering Technology degree (GMUE) was introduced in 1986 and has consistently placed graduates into high-tech engineering fields that emphasize audio technology, usually in audio software and hardware design engineering and product engineering or development. Our graduates have enjoyed employment at companies specifically aimed at high-tech audio such as Sonos, Amazon Lab126, Avid, Universal Audio, Soundtoys, iZotope, Waves LLC, Smule, Apple, Facebook Reality Labs, Microsoft, Eventide, Bose, Shure, Dolby Laboratories, Roland, Beats by Dr. Dre, Spotify, Harman International, JBL, Analog Devices, Biamp, QSC, Motorola, Texas Instruments, Cirrus Logic, Audio Precision, and many more.

In most cases, applicants to the M.S. in Music Engineering Technology typically hold a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering, computer engineering, computer science, math, physics, or other hard sciences and are passionate about combining their love of music and engineering. A few hold dual degrees in music and other engineering/technology areas. The Music Engineering Technology program enjoys being part of a world-class, top-ranked School of Music, and students may become licensed to use the new $1.2 million state-of-the-art recording studio if they wish.”

I would rather be blind than deaf.

Handel from “Listening”

In 1987, Oh Dear Reader, i had a “really good job” with GE Medical Systems working in the Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Cat Scan field service organization. Yet i longed for truly understanding the science and perception of how we as humans process sound physically, neuro-scientifically, and mentality, then how we design that product to reproduce the creation of sound to its fullest extent. I loved mixing sound and thought in would be the end all to work at a “mixing desk” manufacturer such as MCI in Fort Lauderdale, used at Criteria Studios, where such groups as The Allman Brothers, etc, were the pinnacle of audio engineering. i was also particularly fascinated with the perception of reverberation and accurate modeling of acoustics. In undergraduate school i did an extracurricular paper on digital audio circa 1985. Where I analyzed analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog recording techniques. The paper discussed the Shannon Limit theorem and the science of sampling a sound to reconstruct it in full digital form. i also discussed how in the future most (or so i surmised) sound would eventually be played on a chip or transmitted with no medium. i also created a fiber optic transmission network to transmit and modify my voice. However the “riff” of the paper compelled me.

Said pedantic paper figure 1.1

One day i was sitting listening to Al Dimeola’s Elegant Gypsy album in Little Havanna, Miami, FL (where i presided not far from Crescent Moon Studios) and reading an article by a human named Professor Ken Pohlmann. The year was 1989. The magazine was Mix Magazine as i “used to be” a recording engineer having graduated from Full Sail Of The Recording Arts and then went on to obtain a BSEET at Devry Institute of Technology. i still kept up on recording and live sound and every once in a while i would mix for someone.

As they say, I am a recovering sound engineer now.

Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.

John Crosby

At the end of the article, it said something to the effect:

“Professor Ken Pohlmann is the founder of the prestigious program for the Graduate School Of Music Engineering at the University Of Miami, where he teaches Propeller Heads to create world class digital effects.” Apologies, folks i’m going off memory here, but i specifically remember reading the article and thinking “ok i am going to drive down to Coral Gables all two miles and walk in and ask for Professor Polhmann to accept me into the program.”

i walked in and asked for Professor Pohlmann. The nice woman at the desk said let me see if he is here. She said yes he is and will see me now.

Awe hell game on.

He sat down with me and asked what i could do for you. i still remember i was “dressed” in a tie with braces (suspenders) and full button down shirt with tassle dress shoes (full corporate mode). Yes tassle loafers.

i said “i want you to accept me into your program and when i get out i am going to work for (this) company and build reverberation algorithms.” i showed him the Mix Magazine where he was mentioned and in the back of Mix Magazine was an advertisement for a “startup” audio company called digidesign. i also showed him my paper on Digital Audio Recording and Editing circa 1985.

(NOTE: If you never ask for the biggest piece of cake you never get it. Worse thing he could say was no.)

He was really cool on the response. He said well i appreciate the passion but you need to go through all of the process and gave me all the paperwork take the GRE etc.

i was also acutely aware that i was a mutt compared to the other students where he only accepted two per year out of several high pedigree applicants. Most of the students where from real engineering schools.

i’ll never forget when i called to see if i was accepted. i called and the women said: “Theodore Tanner Jr. right? Oh Yes you can start fall of 1990.”

I RESIGNED from GE right after the phone call.

Fast forward to the year 1992. My friend Toby Dunn and i where sitting in MTC 667 graduate thesis class for Professor Ken Pohlmann.

Toby and i had done all kinds of awesome projects for the two years at UMiami but now we are sitting in the classroom breeze coming in watching the palm trees and chatting about who knows what waiting for the GOAT.

Professor Pohlmann walks in with a stack of books and sits down and says:

“What do you guys want to talk about? This class is about thinking up brilliant ideas and taking them into execution and also publishing your thesis at a conference.”

“Which conference?” i asked?

He said: “The Audio Engineering Society Conference this coming Fall.”

We both laughed. I specifically remember thinking back in the day when I didn’t even understand most of Stereo Review Magazine when I was in high school, and now it reads like Cat In Hat, BUT The AES Conference is THE SUPER BOWL OF AUDIO ENGINEERING?!

He said: “What are you laughing at? If you don’t get the paper accepted and given at the conference, you can’t graduate as it’s most of the grade along with your thesis and discussion here in class.”

“We haven’t even got started on our thesis or even selected a subject.” i said

He then said: “I asked what do you want to talk about and you didn’t say anything.”

He sat there in silence for a while then He then picked up his books and said: ” i don’t have time for this.”

He got up and left.

Toby and I just sat there (this was before the acronym WTF), but that was the look on our faces. WTF?

We sat there for a while and then i got the courage up to go into his office.

i felt like Charlie walking up to Willy Wonka.

“Professor Polhmann? , i said tentatively, ” i think we are ready to talk ideas.”

He came back in sat on the desk and said (and i will never ever forget this….)

“You two are the people that will change this industry and as such you are expected to come up with the ideas that can be executed upon and that is what i expect from you now as that is what will be expected of you in industry.”

Thus, Spake The GOAT. Amen.

We then had an amazing conversation of thesis topics.

Toby presented his paper on noise reduction, which was amazing. I presented my paper on Subband audio coding methods at the AES in New York in 1992, complete with an AES scholarship stipend. I also got to hang out with Jeff Beck and Les Paul at a Toys R Us BASF party, but that is another story.

We then went on to work for digidesign circa 1992. Toby is one of the most amazing signal-processing audio engineers in the industry. He was at Digidesign for 20 years and is now at Universal Audio. He wrote the original noise reduction plugin for Digidesign on Sound Designer and worked on the digital audio engine as well as several start plugins (dynamics, chorus/flange, etc.).

Excerpt from 1985 Neophyte paper 1.2 and 1.3

Side Note: One cool thing i got to personally tell Al Dimeola and Steve Vai that i assisted in creating some of the original protools and sounder designer plugins and APIs while listening to Elegant Gypsy and Passion Grace and Warfare. One of them is the same album I mentioned at the beginning of this blog. Also, if you not familiar, both are the GOATs of guitar.

Oh, and one more thing—I worked at Criteria Studios for a while and got to mix on the MCI console in Studio C, which was used to record several famous albums, which was a full-circle aspect for me professionally.

Then, later on, in 1993, another mentor, Phil Ramone, called me (yes that phil, he called me his 8th child…) while I was working on Protron Plugin at the amazing company called Crystal River Engineering, founded by Scott Foster. Scott Foster originated interpolated Head Related Transfer Function six degrees of freedom spatial audio for Jaron Laniers VPL Research and Dr. Beth Wenzel at Nasa Ames Research Lab and essentially started full localized spatial audio. Phil called me to come down to Crescent Moon Studios (Gloria Estafan and The Miami Sound Machine) and listen to the Duets Album he was mixing. He wanted me to analyze the reverb tails going through the defunct ATT Disq system versus a Neve IV console. He used three EMT reverbs (left, center, right) feedback to each other. i knew this previously and used this technique in the original Dveb.

To anyone reading this, find your passion and execute those brilliant ideas. Find the right mentor who will push you beyond anything you ever thought possible.

i am lucky enough to have had several mentors in my life. However, it all started with someone taking a chance on me.

Toby if you are out there hope you and sue and the family are well.

To the GOAT, Professor Ken Pohlmann. Thank you for that day. Without it i would not be where i am without that happening and i cannot thank you enough for taking a chance on me when i knew damn good and well i didnt have the resume or pedigree to ever compete at the scholastic level. However, I do hope I have made up for the deficiencies since that time.

Be safe.

Until Then,

#iwshyouwater (thunders in mentawis with a yacht)


Muzak To Blog By: Bach: Goldberg Variations, BWV 988 (The 1955 & 1981 Recordings). Dear Reader tread lightly within the aural halls there are several caves you can go into here with his interpretations. Enjoy. For those that know you know.

Review: Flow Research Collective

Bonafide in The Art of The Flow

I will persist until I succeed.

I was not delivered unto this world in defeat, nor does failure course in my veins. I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my shepherd. I am a lion and I refuse to talk, to walk, to sleep with the sheep. I will hear not those who weep and complain, for their disease is contagious. Let them join the sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny.

I will persist until I succeed.

OG Mandino

First as always Dear Readers i trust everyone is safe. Second, whilst i have not written i in a while that does not mean i have not been “thoughting” of things to write about for You Oh Dear Reader. Third, software is hard and there was a glitch in the matrix and my site was down for a bit.

Starting last year on April 24th, 2023, with Matthew McConaughey’s “Art Of Living” worldwide class that was, in fact, a precursor to a class with him and Tony Robbins dedicated to looking into yourself and figuring out exactly what you want – sound familiar? However, this was not for me to use for others but for me – period. I knew that this was a stepping stone to the class that I was going to write about, a class given by the Flow Research Collective. After i took “The Art of Living” class i knew a Flow Research Collective Class was starting over “The Holidays” in December 2023. Knowing full well that i would be in the throes of work at my new gig and also “The Holidays”, i told myself just like i tell others: “The best time to plant a tree is yesterday. The best time to plant a tree is Now.” So i registered for the 9 week class. At the time, i was very familiar with Stephen Kotler, the founder of FRC given i had read many of his books:

  1. Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think” (2012) – Co-authored with Peter H. Diamandis
  2. Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World” (2015) – Co-authored with Peter H. Diamandis
  3. The Rise of Superman: Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance” (2014)
  4. Tomorrowland: Our Journey from Science Fiction to Science Fact” (2015) – Co-authored with Peter H. Diamandis
  5. Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work” (2017) – Co-authored with Jamie Wheal
  6. The Future is Faster Than You Think: How Converging Technologies Are Transforming Business, Industries, and Our Lives” (2020) – Co-authored with Peter H. Diamandis
  7. The Art of The Impossible: A Peak Performance Primer” (2021)
  8. Gnar Country: Growing Old and Staying Rad” (2023)

I have read all of the ones concerning human performance.

Why did I push this off till now? Well, denial is an amazing psychological force.

In the realm of human performance, few concepts hold as much promise and intrigue as the state of flow. Coined by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, flow refers to a mental state of complete immersion and energized focus in an activity, where individuals experience profound enjoyment and peak performance. Flow is not just a fleeting moment of productivity; it’s a state where time seems to warp, self-vanishes, and optimal performance becomes effortless. Harnessing the power of flow can unlock human potential in remarkable ways.

The Flow Research Collective (FRC) is an organization that has made it its mission to understand, master, and utilize the principles of flow to help individuals and organizations achieve peak performance consistently. Founded by Steven Kotler, a prolific author and leading expert on the subject, and Rian Doris, the CEO, the FRC has journeyed from humble beginnings to becoming a powerhouse in the field of human performance enhancement.

Origins: The Spark of Inspiration

The story of the Flow Research Collective begins with Steven Kotler’s own personal journey. Struggling with Lyme disease, Kotler found himself facing physical and cognitive limitations that profoundly impacted his life and work. Determined to overcome these challenges, he delved deep into the science of human performance, stumbling upon the concept of flow.

Kotler’s fascination with flow led him to explore its intricacies, drawing from neuroscience, psychology, and various research fields. As he began understanding flow mechanics and its transformative potential, he realized the need to share this knowledge with the world. Thus, the seeds of the Flow Research Collective were planted.

Building Momentum: From Vision to Reality

Armed with a vision to unlock human potential through flow, Kotler embarked on a journey to build the Flow Research Collective from the ground up. Collaborating with like-minded individuals and experts in various domains, he set out to create a platform that would serve as a hub for research, education, and practical flow applications.

The early days were marked by relentless dedication and a commitment to excellence. Kotler and his team immersed themselves in the latest scientific literature, conducted experiments, and engaged with practitioners from diverse fields to gain insights into the nature of flow. Through trial and error, they refined their methodologies, developing frameworks and tools to help individuals cultivate flow and achieve peak performance.

Cultivating a Community: The Power of Connection

Central to the Flow Research Collective’s success is its ability to foster a vibrant and engaged community of flow enthusiasts. Through workshops, seminars, online courses, and collaborative projects, the FRC has brought together individuals from all walks of life who share a common passion for unlocking human potential.

The community’s collective nature has been instrumental in accelerating learning and innovation. By sharing experiences, exchanging ideas, and supporting one another, members of the FRC have been able to tap into the group’s collective wisdom, amplifying their individual efforts and achievements.

From Zero to Dangerous: Mastering the Art of Flow

The term “zero to dangerous” (ZTD) encapsulates the ultimate goal of the Flow Research Collective: to empower individuals to transition from a state of inexperience or mediocrity to one of mastery and excellence. Drawing inspiration from the language of fighter pilots who aim to go from zero to dangerous in their skill level, the FRC seeks to help individuals reach a level of proficiency where they can navigate life’s challenges with confidence and grace.

Achieving this level of mastery requires more than just theoretical knowledge; it demands practice, discipline, and a willingness to push beyond one’s comfort zone. Through a combination of cutting-edge research, immersive training experiences, and personalized coaching, the FRC equips individuals with the tools and techniques they need to harness the power of flow and unleash their full potential.

Looking Ahead: A Future of Possibilities

As the Flow Research Collective grows and evolves, the possibilities are endless. From helping athletes and artists achieve peak performance to revolutionizing the way businesses operate, the principles of flow have the potential to transform every aspect of human endeavor.

With advances in technology, neuroscience, and our understanding of human psychology, the FRC is poised to unlock new frontiers in human performance enhancement. By staying true to its mission of understanding, mastering, and leveraging the power of flow, the Flow Research Collective is paving the way for a future where individuals and organizations can thrive like never before.

What is FLOW?

Specifically, “Flow” occurs when individuals are fully immersed in a task, experiencing deep focus, high levels of enjoyment, and a sense of timelessness. In this state, individuals often report feeling in control, highly motivated, and completely absorbed in the activity at hand. Flow typically occurs when the challenge of a task matches an individual’s skill level, leading to a harmonious balance that encourages peak performance and creativity. Achieving flow can enhance productivity, increased well-being, and a sense of fulfillment. The class mentioned herewith trains you to optimize and balance the release of neurochemicals.

In the state of flow, several neurotransmitters and neurochemicals are released, contributing to the heightened sense of focus, motivation, and well-being experienced by individuals. Some of the key neurochemicals involved include:

  1. Dopamine: Often referred to as the “feel-good” neurotransmitter, dopamine is associated with motivation, reward, and pleasure. During flow, dopamine levels increase, reinforcing the behavior and enhancing the feeling of satisfaction associated with being in the zone.
  2. Endorphins: Endorphins are natural painkillers produced by the body and contribute to feelings of euphoria and well-being. In flow, endorphin levels rise, potentially reducing the perception of discomfort or fatigue and promoting a sense of exhilaration.
  3. Serotonin: Serotonin affects mood regulation, emotional balance, and overall well-being. Increased serotonin levels during flow can contribute to a sense of calmness, contentment, and happiness.
  4. Anandamide: Anandamide is a neurotransmitter associated with bliss, joy, and relaxation. Elevated levels of anandamide during flow may enhance individuals’ overall sense of well-being and pleasure.
  5. Norepinephrine: Norepinephrine plays a role in attention, focus, and arousal. In flow, norepinephrine levels increase, heightening alertness, enhancing concentration, and promoting a state of intense focus on the task at hand.

So this class was much more than just a recipe for flow. It was mapping what is called your Maximally Transformative Process.

The Maximally Transformative process (MTP) refers to a structured approach or methodology designed to help individuals achieve peak performance states such as flow more consistently and experience significant personal and professional growth.

This process typically involves a combination of research-based strategies, tools, and techniques derived from fields such as neuroscience, psychology, and peak performance coaching. It aims to help individuals identify and leverage their strengths, optimize their environment for flow, and cultivate the necessary mindset and skills to enter flow states more reliably.

The maximally transformative process often includes elements such as:

  1. Flow Triggers: Identifying specific triggers or conditions that reliably induce flow states for an individual, such as clear goals, immediate feedback, and a balance between challenge and skill.
  2. Flow Cycles: Understanding the stages of the flow cycle (struggle, release, flow, and recovery) and learning to navigate through them effectively to maximize performance and growth.
  3. Psychological Skills Training: Developing mental skills such as focus, resilience, and mindfulness to enhance the ability to enter and sustain flow states under varying conditions.
  4. Environmental Optimization: Structuring one’s physical and social environment to minimize distractions, maximize motivation, and promote optimal conditions for flow.
  5. Feedback and Reflection: Cultivating a practice of self-awareness, reflection, and continuous learning to refine performance and maintain momentum over time.

The actual class was related to achieving this process. As I mentioned earlier, there was a registration process. Upon registration, one is contacted by a representative from RFC. The person who contacted me for a qualifying interview was Maleke Fuentes. He was amazing during the qualification process. He discussed his background and how he became involved with FRC. He was very forthcoming, and I directly asked if FRC accepted all applicants. He flatly stated – NO.

Once you are accepted, you are dropped into both virtual and live classes. Relative to this, the class operationally consists of a pod that meets twice weekly, and then you have 1:1 time with the respective coach.

My coach was the amazing Marcus Lefton. He was very forthcoming and extremely insightful. He openly shared his amazing background and was very candid in pod and 1:1 classes. Given his background, he led by example and proverbially “at his own dog food,” as they say in the software space. He could go vertically deep and horizontally in recommending operationally, physically, and psychologically, as the FRC is extremely life-changing.

The class is broken into deeper steps into the rabbit hole. As one would expect, this can become extremely self-referential, which is the goal of the class.

For instance, there is a class where we are given 90 seconds to write down at least 15 things YOU do well. I, in full transparency, fully failed. I got to about two, maybe three. In one of Stephen Kotler’s books, he stated to write down 25 things you do well. It is difficult. Further, the suggestions and they are brutal in many cases are counter-intuitive, and they work.

Near the end of the class, we had a 1:1, during which we really drilled down into “my” Maximally Transformative Process. He was extremely candid and stated, “Ted, you are usually the shaman and or the genie that grants everyone else’s wishes. Now the genie is standing before you, asking you what you truly want?” i was very taken back as i don’t think in these terms. i just amplify folks at best.

i have not been the same since. Thank you Marcus.

In short, go look into the class. While it is not cheap, how much is your mental and physical health really worth?

As a wise man once said, “People who don’t need self-help books read them, and people who need them don’t read them.” This is usually the case here as all the folks in the pod i was included in were very performant.

The journey of the Flow Research Collective from Zero To Dangerous is a testament to the transformative power of flow. By unlocking the secrets of peak performance and sharing them with the world, the FRC is helping individuals tap into their innate potential and achieve extraordinary feats. One thing is clear as we look to the future: the flow revolution is just beginning, and the possibilities are limitless.

Personally, I can’t say enough about the class and people. Here is the link to the class -> Flow Research Class.

Go invest in yourself.

Until Then,

#iwishyouwater <- Cloudbreak from the surfing, waves and soundtrack.

Muzak To Blarg by : “Bach Synthesis: 15 Inventions”. Amazing.

¿Por qué haces apnea? (Why Do You Freedive?) and 9/11

Me Manifesting And Searching (photo by @clay.motus.liquidum)

I need the sea because it teaches me. I don’t know if I learn music or awareness, if it’s a single wave or its vast existence, or only its harsh voice or its shining suggestion of fishes and ships. The fact is that until I fall asleep, in some magnetic way I move in
the university of the waves.

~ Pablo Neruda

First i trust everyone is safe. Second today is a day that will live forever in most minds as a day that i call ‘When Belief Systems Run Amuck (WBSRA)”.

To those who lost loves ones on 9.11 my condolences. To those who are permanently scarred may peace eventually see its’ way unto and into you.

It is not random that one of my dear friends “JH” is relocating this very week to Charleston, SC. He was in the North tower on the 87th floor when the “WBSRA” occurred.

He is a great human. We are going to have a blast when he gets here.

Recently more than ever humans around me have been talking more and more about “stuff” they do besides “working” and inevitably as we are discussing these outside work endeavors someone mentions that i freedive.

Clay T. Talley Rappelling Underwater (photo Tanner Peterson @depthwishfreediving)

It goes something like this:

Human: Ted freedives.

Everyone: ( looking at me like i have obtained the classified UAP documents from the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO)…)

Me: Yup.

Human: Wow really?

Me: (thinking… No i just lie about stuff like that…) Why Yes i do.

Me and @clay.motus.liquidum (photo courtesy of @depthwishfreediving)

Human: Have you seen “Deepest Breath” On Netflix?

Me: While i do not watch hardly any TV i did view it and yes it was amazing. The people in that video are the best of the best in the world and i have met one or two of them and have been coached and critiqued by some of them. i’m no where in their league.

Human: So really is it one breath? There must be some trick? How long can you hold your breath? How deep do you go?

Me: Yes, No, about 4:00+ minutes and i have broken 100ft . None of it really matters as the folks who are great, i pale in comparison, but it is a starting point. It is also not a contest with others. While there are competitions the only competitor is you and the water.

Me coming up from looking at the sand somewhere (photo courtesy of @depthwishfreediving)

Human: What is it like?

Me: It is truth. If there is a truth to life it is closer to living with the exception at least for me, what i find in surfing. Although the two are very different, the results, from to time, are the same. Complete un-adulterated FLOW STATE. The free fall is very close to getting a full tube ride. It is all enveloping it is not like meditating as some people think it is, although, there is a somnambulistic component to the free fall.

Clay Talley and Jacob Talley the day Jacob was certified (photo courtesy of @depthwishfreediving)

Human: What is freefall?

Me: That is after you get down to about 14 meters which is around 45 feet that is 3 atmospheres of pressure you start getting pulled down the elevator shaft as i call it. You can feel the water rushing by you and the sounds rushing, depending on if your hooked to a line or just letting your hand brush the dive line. Then as you go deeper it gets more enveloping.

Me: See your Mammalian Dive Reflect kicks in, your MDR, the master switch as it were. The sensors are still in our face. This is why it feels so nice to splash water on your face or take a shower. All those negative ions getting you balanced into BlueMind. There is much we have forgotten as a race. There is an excellent book called BlueMind i highly recommend.

Me, Thomas Tanner (@itstomfoolery) and My Nephew, Ty Tanner (@tytanner_) the day they got certified

(photo courtesy of @depthwishfreediving)

Human: Yea but how can you hold your breath that long?

Me: Practice. Actually it all happened in one weekend at Performance Freediving Institute (PFI). Me and my waterman commrade Clay Talley went down on a Friday and took a class after we read a book called “One Breath” and got turned onto a song called “Waves” by Bahamas. We have been training with weights in the pool for about 15 years for surfing then this freediving wonderland rabbit hole came along. We could easily get you to over a 2:30 breath hold in one day. Nothing prepared us for what was to come.

Human: I don’t see how that is possible.

Me: Well, i suppose with an attitude like that nothing is possible, but at least we gave it the benefit of the doubt and when we got certified. It was really intense due to several factors that i would have to explain later. However by far my certification was in one of the top experiences of my life and about as close to a religious experience as one could get.

My Son Thomas Tanner getting certified with Tanner Peterson Lower Left (photo courtesy of @tctjr)

Then then THE question:

Human: Why do you do it?

Me: Do what? Freedive?

Human: Yes.

This, Oh Dear Reader is where we start getting to the essence of the blog. Hope Y’all are still tuned-in to the channel.

To every sailor the gods have given a comrade
While one sleeps the other keeps watch on the bridge
When one doubts the other gives him his faith
When one falls the other discovers the oasis of ice for both of them
When my comrade loses faith I laugh confidently
When my comrade sleeps I keep watch for him
When my comrade falls I fight on for the both of us
Because to every sailor the gods have given a comrade

~ Blood Axis

Me: Well it is complicated. One of my best friends died freediving. He was one of the few people who really knew me and and happened to be the best coding computer scientist i have ever met, as well as an expert Waterman.

Me wondering what the Puppies are Thinking. (photo courtesy @clay.motus.luquidum)

Human: Oh i had no idea i am so sorry.

Me: Oh please no need for condolences. i’ll never get over it but that is a different issue. That said to answer your question i got into it because i wanted to understand how one of the smartest most fit watermen i have ever met came to his demise doing what he loved. i had to know or at least try to understand what Steven was searching for given i knew him so well.

It’s not tragic to die doing something you love.

~ Mark Foo

Me: See i kinda blew it off years ago when he kept talking about freediving and how incredible it was and in fact the last thing he said to me was he was really happy. That is really all i cared about to be honest. However it still nagged at me about there was a facet of “The Water” i hadn’t addressed.

So through a very seemingly random occurrence which to me wasn’t random at all i ran across the book “One Breath” which was a story of the death of one of the greatest freedivers of all time. So we (me and my commrade Clay Talley) finally got around to getting down so to speak and since then it has been a continual Alice in Wonderland – Down The Rabbit Hole. Besides the fact that you burn about 800-1000 calories an hour freediving it only teaches you more about yourself. It is indeed a fractal situation – the more complex – the more complex – the more simple – the more simple.

Me ascending and hanging out in Bonaire with Carlos Coste

(photo courtesy of @carloscoste1 of @blueclassroom and @freediveeexplorations)

Ted, Its all in Your Mind, Get me? Understand What I am saying?!

~ Cole Heitt

Me: Its really a super performant sport. All of the people that i have met have been physicists, composers, lawyers, bankers, technical folks and many have walked away from those careers in full pursuit of freediving. Everyone is very open, welcoming and focused. There is little to no overhead with some of the crap that you get with other sports endeavors, it is very binary. As an aside i personally want to dive with Sperm Whales.

Human: Yes but what about your friend?

Me: Well if i could have a discussion with him first i would punch him for being stupid then i would hug him, tell him i love him and say lets go for a freedive and this time i’ll be up and you be down.

Clay Talley Searching For Clay T. Talley

Me: Feel free to come down and get in the pool or we can take you down and get certified.

Human: Really?

Me: Of course and you can’t blame me for what will happen afterward.

To everyone that has ever asked me this is why i freedive. I needed to understand why and it has turned into a mirror for me.

On September 11, 2005, Steven Swenson took his last breath. However i know he was happy in fact the happiest i have ever heard him.

Recently his favorite musician past away, Jimmy Buffett. Steven’s favorite song was Son of A Son of A Sailor. He also liked “That is What Living Is to Me” and “One Particular Harbor”. I would like to think they are sharing sailing stories with each other with wind in their hair and water in their shoes.

Do me a favor if you knew him go listen to any of those songs and if you didn’t know him go listen and raise a glass to the ocean. i would also greatly appreciate it.

Mickey Talley @mich.888 Pushing Past Her Own Thoughts (photo courtesy @clay.motus.liquidum)

So there you have it folks.

Until Then,

#iwishyouwater <- Me and Present Crew Getting After it @iwishyouwater


Music To Blog By: The version of “Little Wing/ Third Stone: From The Sun off SRV archives and some Jimmy Buffett. The Tuck and Patti version of Castles Made of Sand / Little Wing is amazing as well.

Note: With Much Love to Roma, Lief and Gage.

Quality Over Quantity (Part D’eux)

Determination, energy, and courage appear spontaneously when we care deeply about something. We take risks that are unimaginable in any other context.

Margaret J. Wheatley

First i trust everyone is safe. Second sometimes the LazyWebTM can actually be a really cool place. Someone out there used an amazing thing called a LARGE LANGUAGE MODEL AKA ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE to make a song out of a book passage that closely relates to my previous blog on Quality Over Quantity. The book is entitled The Greatest Salesman In The World. Here is that passage:

“I will persist until I succeed.

I was not delivered unto this world in defeat, nor does failure course in my veins. I am not a sheep waiting to be prodded by my shepherd. I am a lion and I refuse to talk, to walk, to sleep with the sheep. I will hear not those who weep and complain, for their disease is contagious. Let them join the sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny.

I will persist until I succeed.

The prizes of life are at the end of each journey, not near the beginning; and it is not given to me to know how many steps are necessary in order to reach my goal. Failure I may still encounter at the thousandth step, yet success hides behind the next bend in the road. Never will I know how close it lies unless I turn the corner.

Always will I take another step. If that is of no avail I will take another, and yet another. In truth, one step at a time is not too difficult.

I will persist until I succeed.”1

Then they “told” ChatGPT the person(s) behind the green curtain to write a metal song using the above passage:

(Verse 1)
Hear my mantra echo, “Persist until success,
Born not to the world in defeat, nor failure’s caress.
Not a sheep in the herd, prodded, guided by the rest,
I am the lion roaring, refusal in my chest.

I won’t be moved by tears and whines, their sickness I’ll resist,
In the abattoir of failure, I’ll never coexist.
The end of every journey hides the precious prize,
One more step around the bend, where success quietly lies.

(Verse 2)
Step by step, relentless, no distance is too great,
Every challenge faced is just another weight.
My efforts like the blade, the mighty oak I strike,
Insignificant they seem, but will fell the tree in time.

Like rain that washes mountains, the ant that feasts on tigers bold,
I am the star that lights the earth, the tale that’s yet untold.
Building castles, brick by brick, with each repeated trial,
Persist until I succeed, in my journey, every mile.

Defeat is not a concept, its words I shall erase,
Quitting, failure, impossible, all fall from grace.
Obstacles may rise, despair may cloud the way,
Yet above it all, my gaze is fixed, where greener pastures lay.

Persist until I succeed, let this anthem ring,
Born a lion, not a sheep, to my purpose, I will cling.
Journey’s end may hide the prize, step by step I’ll tread,
In the echoes of the night, let my mantra be heard and said.

I will persist until I succeed, etched in stars, this creed,
For I am the lion roaring, fulfilling every need.
The end of every journey hides the precious prize,
Persist until I succeed, echoes my eternal cry.

The book talks about The Art Of Living wherein there is the World’s Greatest Salesmen who was given some scrolls he must past to another person who he must identify with as being the keeper of the scrolls. The book goes into depth and each chapter is a scroll. A teaching if you will for being the world’s greatest salesmen so you as being the reader are immersed into this world.

Maybe someone will put some music to these words. i was thinking something like a Thin Lizzy feel if you will.

Until Then,

#iwishyouwater. <- WSL Live. Teahpoo Tahiti.


  1. OG Mandino: The Greatest Salesman In the World also referring to the #ArtOfLiving a class created by McConaughey and Tony Robbins ↩︎

Quality Over Quantity

Dalle’s Idea of Quality Over Quantity

Be a yardstick of quality.

Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.

S. Jobs

First i hope this finds everyone safe. Second, your humble narrator has been incognito of late and re-emerged safe and sound as the CTO of a really cool company called BigBear.ai . Third, for some reason or another several folks have been talking to me about risks and reward in life as of late. i haven’t written a blarg in a while so i figured i would take the time to jot down some thoughts.

i dedicate this blarg to my parents. Here is why.

A long time ago in a land far away i lived in a modest ranch style house in Charleston,SC and in the den area there was a sign that said:

It is better to live one year as a lion than 20 years as a chicken.


This is a modified quote that can be tracked to several people in history. i am by no means referencing any political or religious views herewith so please check yourself. Someone somewhere could play the same music and someone would hate them for it on the internet.

i read this everyday coming in and out of the house and it had a profound effect on me later in life. Without me even knowing it i gravitated towards living on the creative side or maker side of life or let’s say risk taking side of life.

If you obey all the rules, you’ll miss all the fun.

Katheryn Hepburn

In the same fashion, for some unknown reason, people have been asking or talking to me about the creative process as well as having hobbies that appear to be risk taking.

For the record i don’t view anything that i do as a i hobby nearly as dangerous as driving. i’ll probably do a blarg on one activity everyone seems to be asking about is freediving but that isnt the subject of this blarg.

Life is to be lived folks. Social norms keep many from going and doing and living a life they DREAM. i hear you saing: “Well you know how it is life gets in the way.” Nope boys and girls your brain gets in the way and says “Oh you could never do that what would people think?”. “My <insert person here> would just disown me.”

What if you do it and you are truly happy?

The other thing people have been saying to me lately is “How’d you do that?” Well i just went and did it. Once again someone somewhere isn’t going to like whatever you do and you can’t please everyone so you might as well please yourself as the song says. (Rick Nelson – Garden Party).

Most people who really care about you just want you to be happy. They might not like or agree with you when letting your freak flag fly or even imagine how you could live in such a manner but i guarantee you show up to those you love truly happy then everything will be really OK. This is on YOU as it is on THEM. This is a two way street folks. You choose a difficult path not everyone is going to be “accepting”. The road will be strewn with stones to your path of righteousness. Trust me – Caveat Emptor.

The goal is living in a high quality life over a mundane mediocre life. The moments that take your breath away versus the number of breaths in a life. Where do you see a coffee table book entitled “Lives Of The Mediocre.”

Which is very closely related to the creation process. Putting yourself out there is scary. “Yes but i don’t have the courage or the skills.” You know what? Neither did anyone else who went and did The Thing.

Go do the thing that scares you the most then get the courage. That fine line is living. In fact it has been my experience it is a near life experience. Standing at the edge and looking down. Where you even surprise yourself.

“Yea but what if something goes wrong?”

Once again great question. It will. Yes Oh Dear Reader it will but guess what sitting in the recliner or couch every night for the rest of your life or looking out the window and thinking “I wish i would have done…” is way more painful than either pissing someone off for a little while or a broken leg, All will heal with love and happiness.

So put me on a highway
Show me a sign
Take it to the limit
One more time

The Eagles

Recently after a lengthy discussion about risk taking, mental gymnastics or physical hobbies someone asked me about my injuries. Here is a partial list:

Right shoulder replaced, Plates and 8 screws in my right forearm, Two left shoulder reconstructions, Two hip replacements, Broken right ankle and leg twice, Broke ribs, hernia operation, broken nose, cracked back, whiplashes, concussions, the list goes on…

Why would someone put themselves through this? I don’t know sounds like a startup co-founder huh? Because you MUST.

Because living at that level of passion is everything. There is nothing else. Because you know what? The crash is almost as amazing as making it! Quality Over Quantity Folks!

Taking this view In sports, companies and most importantly your relationships is crucial. Most will say they cannot live like that and they do not understand. Well just hand them a big cup of NOPE YA CAN’T. They will get very frustrated as well. Most people of that nature want their predictable life and the ability to dictate to others their lives.

So this morning i called my parents. Luckily both my parents are alive and very married. I told them thank you for having that sign in the den and it would be great if they could find the sign. They informed me it “wore out”. Get the symbology there? They said they had toted it from house to house.

After hanging up i went online to everyone’s favorite online retailer and bought this for my home gym:

Because i needed a reminder. Just like when i was a kid.

Enjoy it while you can
It’s just like the weather
So quit complaining brother
No one lives forever

Let’s have a party there’s a full moon in the sky
It’s the hour of the wolf and I don’t want to’ die

Oingo Boingo

So go create, make, live, and love like there is no tomorrow. You and the people around you will be better off and you will definitely find out who loves you when you are truly happy. Trust me in this area of life you will not have many if any followers just those who truly desire you to be happy.

Until Then,

#iwishyouwater <- near life at Mavericks in 2022.


Muzak To Blag By: Danny Elfman’s “Big Mess”. He is truly a genius. Yes the same person who created Oingo Boingo and all of the great soundtracks.

NOTE: i can also recommend several books on these views such as Tim Ferris’ “Tools For Titans” and Rolo May’s “The Courage To Create”, hit me up on the comments if you want more. Also please tell me a story where you put yourself out there. i’d love it hear about it.

What Is Love?

DALLE’s Idea Of Love

Love is a complex and multifaceted emotion that is often defined differently depending on cultural, social, and individual perspectives. At its core, love typically involves strong feelings of affection, caring, and attachment towards another person, often accompanied by a desire for intimacy, closeness, and mutual support.

Love can take many different forms, including romantic love, familial love, platonic love, and self-love. It can also involve a range of different experiences, such as joy, happiness, excitement, passion, and sometimes even pain and heartbreak.

Ultimately, love is a powerful and transformative force that can have a profound impact on our lives, shaping our relationships, beliefs, and sense of self.

~ ChatGPT

First Oh Dear Reader, i trust you are safe. Second, we are taking a slight detour into squishy, non-exact, messy, and truly complicated land: Emotions. This comes on the heels of Snake_Byte[14] Coding In Philosophical Frameworks. Also if you haven’t seen the news, the Cognitive Computing Arms Race with Large Language Models is in full swing. Boy Howdy Do We Love Us Some Anthropomorphism! ( i personally think its funny the parlor trick of auto-typing makes ChatGPT and all the other ones appear human to most. )

Turns out there is a class at Stanford on Computational Philosophy which is in the same realm as what i would love to discuss however slightly obtuse. It is a good read.

If we can compute Philosophical frameworks, could we or do we need to compute emotions in the future?

It was not random i started with the terseness of Stoicism. As this philosophy trends towards being objective in your emotions, akin to a more recent philosophy, “Objectivism.” We can quantify the aspects thereof. Or at least we think we can quantify them to some extent.

We know from a physiological standpoint that bodily metrics and chemicals can be measured for systematic responses to emotions. Dopamine, Vasopressin, Oxytocin, Serotonin, heart rate, sweat level, skin clamminess, and eye dilation are just a few measurable considerations.

However what does it mean?

Let’s take some bookend emotions: Love, Hate, Fear.

Some consider Fear to be the only true emotion. Flight or Fight. i’m also positive we can duplicate this in a machine or at least make it plausible to appear the machine is scared. (Also, it will make humans “feel” better one day but that is for a different discussion and different blog.)

Being that Spring Is In The Air let us choose LOVE.

There are so many types and kinds of Love.

  • Love of a Mother to a child
  • The Love you have for your pets
  • The Love of eating a doughnut.

i’m not referring to these types i am referencing:

  • You are the Love of My Life Companionship – Love

Books, signs, poetry, and yes, humans’ most deplorable creation War has been created over Love of Another. It is genuinely innate in the Human_Condition.

People acting a fool, if you will. You have seen it many times, and maybe (hopefully) you have done it.

As the famous song says, “What does love have to do with IT? What is love but some secondhand emotion?”. Great questioning Tina. We love you.

Have you ever been in The Love? How do you know that person Loves YOU?

i asked one of my progeny that question:

Me: “Do i Love you?”

Them: “Yes.”

Me” “How do you know?”

Them: “Dad i just know.”

This is not to be confused with infatuation, which is in and of itself an extremely intense feeling usually associated with a physically idealized version of the receiving person. Infatuation is initially overwhelming but then quickly fades. Love, on the other hand, appears to be a much deeper, almost seemingly “infinite forever-giving” emotion.

i was wondering how many times “Love” has been mentioned over the years. Below is a plot thereof:

Love Over The Years

i thought the drop in the 1980’s was interesting. If anyone was around in the United States in the 80’s that was the period of certain illegal chemicals, neon, 80’s metal and madonna. The Me Generation.

So what has happened in this area with using technology of Love? Well we scan our noggin:

From The Journal of Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

When I take you in my arms gathered forever. Sometimes it feels like a dream. Sometimes it feels like a dream; to be with you.

~ Feels Like A Dream Lyrics

Research has shown that certain brain regions are activated when a person is in love or experiencing strong feelings of affection, including the insula, anterior cingulate cortex, and striatum. These regions are associated with reward, motivation, and emotional processing. Brain scans have also revealed that the levels of certain neurotransmitters, like dopamine and oxytocin, can change in response to being in love. So while there is no one-size-fits-all image of someone in love, there are certain brain patterns and chemical changes that can be detected in those experiencing the emotion.

Furthermore on the chemical brain related activity research has shown that during the early stages of romantic love, there is a decrease and increase in serotonin levels in the brain[1]. Serotonin can have direct affects on anxiety, insomnia and depression. For men there is a decrease and for women and increase in serotonin. Strangely this is similar to what is observed in individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder, suggesting that the intense focus and preoccupation with the loved one may be related to changes in serotonin levels. Additionally, it has been found that long-term couples who remain in love have higher levels of serotonin than those who have fallen out of love. This suggests that serotonin may play a role in maintaining long-term relationships.

Our study provides the first evidence of love-related alterations in the underlying architecture of the brain, and the results shed new light on the mechanisms of romantic love.

~ Professor Xiaochu Zhang

So if there are (and there are injectable adjuncts to all of these chemicals) that can be augmented and tailored with specific dosages, this led me to ask the questions:

  • can we compute a model of Love?
  • can we fool the brain into thinking it is in Love?
  • do we want to augment the brain so we feel like we are in Love?
  • Do we want to make Love a thing of the past with future tech?
  • The list could go on…..

 Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight / For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.

~ That Romeo Guy

When people meet, go on a date, shack up, get hitched or get married, i have heard it said:

  • “You will grow to love them.”
  • “Well, the person doesn’t really have the attributes i am looking for in a mate, but i can adapt.”
  • “They share the same interest as you!”
  • “They can cook or fix stuff for you!”

Why would we want to change or have that person change? Are social norms so strong that there are unwritten rules that we as a so-called society must follow, With a hard rule of it must be two consenting adults in a relationship, what is it of anyone’s business? Do most want to do what they feel they should do? Do we want a best friend to watch the big game with or play golf? Why not a companion that you can dance with now and when your old and just look at each other? To idealized? Oh life gets in the way. i see it is hard and you have stuff to do – yep i get it. Then is Love that important? If not then what is?

Love in a relationship is it needed?

How do you know when you’re really in Love? Do violins play when you’re touching the one your Lovin?

~ The Tubes

Most often, love is due to their connection with their partner. This connection can be emotional, physical, spiritual, or intellectual (or hopefully all of them). People may also fall in love or grow into love because they appreciate their partner’s qualities or values, such as kindness, honesty, or intelligence. Sometimes, people are drawn to others who are different from themselves because they find them intriguing or exciting.

This room is bare
This night is cold
We’re far apart, and I’m growing old
But while we live
We’ll meet again
So then, my love
We may whisper once more
It’s you I adore

~ Palabras de Amor from Queen

Other factors that contribute to love include shared experiences, common interests, and mutual respect. When people feel like they’re a team with their partner and can rely on them, it can deepen their love. Additionally, physical attraction and chemistry can significantly influence romantic love.

However, what if it is all of these with the same partner? Isn’t that what you truly desire? ALL THE THINGS! To truly know that there is one – what would you do to have that person show up on your porch?

This is what i believe we need to understand as we trend toward a world of distributed disconnected artificial intelligence.

In one kiss, you’ll know all I haven’t said.

~ Pablo Neruda[3]

Even post the pandemic, we see people hug and kiss less. There is less physicality which as we all know for most, a hug feels good for both and releases several proof-positive chemicals. i would tend to think at some point you want to rub against your significant other instead of smooching in cyberspace or sleeping in separate beds.

Is Love now an algorithm? i know in the age of match.com and tinder this appears to be monday morning quarterbacking but at least i believe there is something more to it than a list of attributes. In fact one of the startups i worked at started with the premise, “What are the three main questions you ask someone on a blind date?” Here they are:

  • What is your favorite travel spot?
  • What is your favorite wine (assuming one drinks)
  • What type of music do you like?
DALLE Generated Endless Love

From a cognitive standpoint the most difficult one was music recommendations. This by the way Oh Dear Reader was circa 2001 before Pandora, Shazam or any other music recommendation system. We based it on a cognitive model of music perception and cognitive psychology of inter-relations[2].

If we already know the future and can match it aren’t we living in a world of no surprises? What happens to that special glance? That special smile or touch or a good morning hug? That true everlasting one that loves you for you and only you not because your father mother or your in-laws approved. (If course it has been said you marry the family not the person. )

i am sure by now you have heard of the term Twin Flame. This is different than a soul mate. A Twin Flame is a mirror of oneself, a yin-yang type entity. The biggest distinction between a twin flame and any other type of soul mate is that twin flames are two halves of the same whole. A soul mate, on the other hand, can be thought of as someone cut from the same cloth as you. There’s a deep familiarity, and you feel very close, but you aren’t the same soul.

i wonder if we can compute and create a Twin Flame Agent of oneself?

i’m not sure i want to work on those future algorithms folks. Some things i want to be a mystery[4].

i’d love to hear some stories, comments, and possibly even rants as this is some very esoteric area we have paddled into so to speak. i’d love to know if you have the love of your life, twin flame or a tinder swipe of the night, i hope you just know.

Until Then,

#iwshyouwater <- alexy molchanov sets a new world record in Bonaire. i was just in the same spot freediving.

Muzak To Blog By: All The Love Songs by Queen. i miss you Freddy and recently brian may was knighted.


[1] Scans Say Its True Love Link

[2] For the record, i tried the system, and no one liked strict cathedral organ works.

[3] Pablo Neruda is the most prolific poet when it comes to love and beaches i have ever read. there is a connection there.

[4] In blade runner, harrison ford knows full well racheal is a replicant yet he Loves her. Question is – Is He? That would be a twin flame. robot love.

Execution Is Everything

bulb 2 warez

Even if we crash and burn and loose everthing the experience is worth ten times the cost.

~ S. Jobs

As always, Oh Dear Readers, i trust this finds you safe. Second, to those affected by the SVB situation – Godspeed.

Third, i was inspired to write a blog on “Doing versus Thinking,” and then i decided on the title “Execution Is Everything”. This statement happens to be located at the top of my LinkedIn Profile.

The impetus for this blog came from a recent conversation where an executive who told me, “I made the fundamental mistake of falling in love with the idea and quickly realized that ideas are cheap, it is the team that matters.”

i’ve written about the very issue on several occasions. In Three T’s of a Startup to Elite Computing, i have explicitly stated ideas are cheap, a dime a dozen. Tim Ferris, in the amazing book “Tools Of Titans,” interviews James Altuchur, and he does this exercise every day:

This is taken directly from the book in his words, but condensed for space, here are some examples of the types of lists James makes:

  • 10 olds ideas I can make new
  • 10 ridiculous things I would invent (e.g., the smart toilet)
  • 10 books I can write (The Choose Yourself Guide to an Alternative Education, etc).
  • 10 business ideas for Google/Amazon/Twitter/etc.
  • 10 people I can send ideas to
  • 10 podcast ideas or videos I can shoot (e.g., Lunch with James, a video podcast where I just have lunch with people over Skype and we chat)
  • 10 industries where I can remove the middleman
  • 10 things I disagree with that everyone else assumes is religion (college, home ownership, voting, doctors, etc.)
  • 10 ways to take old posts of mine and make books out of them
  • 10 people I want to be friends with (then figure out the first step to contact them)
  • 10 things I learned yesterday
  • 10 things I can do differently today
  • 10 ways I can save time
  • 10 things I learned from X, where X is someone I’ve recently spoken with or read a book by or about. I’ve written posts on this about the Beatles, Mick Jagger, Steve Jobs, Charles Bukowski, the Dalaï Lama, Superman, Freakonomics, etc.
  • 10 things I’m interested in getting better at (and then 10 ways I can get better at each one)
  • 10 things I was interested in as a kid that might be fun to explore now (like, maybe I can write that “Son of Dr. Strange” comic I’ve always been planning. And now I need 10 plot ideas.)
  • 10 ways I might try to solve a problem I have. This has saved me with the IRS countless times. Unfortunately, the Department is Motor Vehicles is impervious to my superpowers

Is your brain tired of just “thinking” about doing those gymnastics?

i cannot tell you how many people have come to me and said “hey I have an idea!” Great, so do you and countless others. What is your plan of making it a reality? What is your maniacal passion every day to get this thing off the ground and make money?

The statement “Oh I/We thought about that 3 years ago” is not a qualifier for anything except that fact you thought it and didn’t execute on said idea.  You know why?

Creating software from an idea that runs 24/7 is still rather difficult. In fact VERY DIFFICULT.

“Oh We THOUGHT about that <insert number of days or years ago here>. i call the above commentary “THOUGHTING”. Somehow the THOUGHT is manifested from Ideas2Bank? If that is a process, i’d love to see the burndown chart on that one. No Oh Dear Readers, THOUGHTING is about as useful as that overly complex PowerPoint that gets edited ad nauseam, and people confuse the “slideware” with “software”. The only code that matters is this:

Code that is written with the smallest OPEX and Highest Margins thereby increasing Revenue Per Employee unless you choose to put it in open source for a wonderful plethora of reasons or you are providing a philanthropic service.

When it comes to creating software, “Execution is everything.” gets tossed around just like the phrase “It Just Works” as a requirement. At its core, this phrase means that the ability to bring an idea to life through effective implementation is what separates successful software from failed experiments.

The dynamic range between average and the best is 2:1. In software it is 50:1 maybe 100:1 very few things in life are like this. I’ve built a lot of my sucess on finding these truly gifted people.

~ S. Jobs

In order to understand why execution is so critical in software development, it’s helpful first to consider what we mean by “execution.” Simply put, execution refers to the process of taking an idea or concept and turning it into a functional, usable product. This involves everything from coding to testing, debugging to deployment, and ongoing maintenance and improvement.

When we say that execution is everything in software development, what we’re really saying is that the idea behind a piece of software is only as good as the ability of its creators to make it work in the real world. No matter how innovative or promising an idea may seem on paper, it’s ultimately worthless if it can’t be brought to life in a way that users find valuable and useful.

You can fail at something you dislike just as easily as something you like so why not choose what you like?

~ J. Carey

This is where execution comes in. In order to turn an idea into a successful software product, developers need to be able to navigate a complex web of technical challenges, creative problem-solving, and user feedback. They need to be able to write code that is clean, efficient, and scalable. They need to be able to test that code thoroughly, both before and after deployment. And they need to be able to iterate quickly and respond to user feedback in order to improve and refine the product continually.

The important thing is to dare to dream big, then take action to make it come true.

~ J. Girard

All of these factors require a high degree of skill, discipline, and attention to detail. They also require the ability to work well under pressure, collaborate effectively with other team members, and stay focused on the ultimate goal of creating a successful product.

The importance of execution is perhaps most evident when we consider the many examples of software projects that failed despite having what seemed like strong ideas behind them. From buggy, unreliable apps to complex software systems that never quite delivered on their promises, there are countless examples of software that fell short due to poor execution.

On the other hand, some of the most successful software products in history owe much of their success to strong execution. Whether we’re talking about the user-friendly interface of the iPhone or the robust functionality of Paypal’s Protocols, these products succeeded not just because of their innovative ideas but because of the skill and dedication of the teams behind them.

The only sin is mediocrity[1].

~ M. Graham

In the end, the lesson is clear: when it comes to software development, execution really is everything. No matter how brilliant your idea may be, it’s the ability to turn that idea into a functional, usable product that ultimately determines whether your software will succeed or fail. By focusing on the fundamentals of coding, testing, and iterating, developers can ensure that their software is executed to the highest possible standard, giving it the best chance of success in an ever-changing digital landscape.

So go take that idea and turn it into a Remarkable Viable Product, not a Minimum Viable Product! Who likes Minimum? (thanks R.D.)

Be Passionate! Go DO! Go Create!

Go Live Your Personal Legend!

A great video stitching of discussions from Steve Jobs on execution, and passion – click here-> The Major Thinkers Steve Jobs

Until then,

#iwishyouwater <- yours truly hitting around 31 meters (~100ft) on #onebreath


Muzak To Blog By: Todd Hannigan “Caldwell County.”

[1] The only sin is mediocrity is not true if there were a real Sin it should be Stupidity but the quote fits well in the narrative.

A Book Review – Scythe

Nice Robe

I am the blade that is swung by your hand,

Slicing a rainbow’s arc,

I am the clapper; but you are the bell,

Tolling the gathering dark.

If you are the singer, then I am the song,

A threnody, requiem dirge.

You’ve made me the answer for all the world’s need,

Humanity’s undying urge.

~ “Threnody,” from the collected works of H.S. Socrates

First as always i hope everyone is safe. Second, i hope everyone had an indulgent and superlative holiday season heading into the New Year! Third, i decided i wanted to write a book review since i haven’t in quite some time and given the number of books i have read recently figured hey lets do a book review!

This review deserves a little context. My middle progeny was assigned this book for a winter break reading assignment. i believe it is important to take an interest in your progenies’ activities and well reading is definitely one to promote and take interest. Thus when i was talking to her about what she was assigned, she said, “i think you will like this book.” She handed it to me, and i opened it to this page:

“It is the most difficult thing a person can be asked to do. And know what it is for the greater good doesn’t make it any easier. People used to die naturally. Old age used to be a terminal affliction, not a temporary state. There were invisible killers called “diseases” that broke the body down. Aging couldn’t be reversed, and there were accidents from which there was no return. Planes fell out from the sky. Cars actually crashed. There was pain, misery, and despair. It’s hard for most of us to imagine a world so unsafe, with dangers lurking in every unseen, unplanned corner. All of that is behind us now, and yet a single simple truth remains: People must die.”

~ From the gleaning journal of H.S. Currie

My daughter knows me well. So i said ok let us read it together but don’t think this is a race I’ll probably have this book finished in a week.

Ok this had my attention. So immediately i thought of Soylent Green meets Logan’s Run but there is a twist. In reading the back cover it paraphrases a world with no hunger, no disease, no war, no misery. Humanity has conquered all those things and has even conquered death. However, who are these scythes that are mentioned, and are the only ones who can “glean” life? So with the context out of the way let us get down to business.

The cover above depicts a Scythe. As most know or should know from Websters we have the following definition:

scythe (pronounced /sīT͟H/)

noun: a tool used for cutting crops such as grass or wheat, with a long curved blade at the end of a long pole attached to which are one or two short handles.

verb: cut with a scythe as in scythed.

Given many aspects of our so-called society today and social normalizations i believe this is a wonderful teenage adventure novel that sets the stage for some more esoteric readings in science fiction such as 1984, Something Wicked This Way Comes, Brave New World, Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep (DADOES), Snowcrash and Neuromancer.

The book’s premise is that humans now exist in a conflict-free world where human-kind have conquered death. The world they live in is a Post Age of Morality world where one no longer has true crimes against humanity; poverty is not an issue, and hunger is solved via synthetic food engineering. As such over-population has overrun Mother Earth and elected Scythes must cull the human population. This culling process is known in the vernacular as “gleaning”. The Age of Mortality is the duration of time before the scythedom, revival centers, and the Thunderhead were established.

To this end, artificial intelligence has been amplified via the “ThunderHead” which monitors, recommends, and predicts AllTheThings. As such, there is no need for the concept or construction of a government.

Tyger shrugged, “One Splat Too Many. They gave up. Now I am a ward of the ThunderHead.”

“I’m sorry Tyger”

“Hey don’t be. Believe it or not, the ThunderHead’s a better father than my father was. I get good advice now and get asked how my day was from someone who actually seems to care.”

Just like everything else about the ThunderHead its parenting skills were indisutable.

~ Apprentice Rowan

Two teens find themselves volunteered as apprentice-Scythes which leads to a world of corruption greed and the finality of death.

Scythes are volunteered as apprentices and taught the ways of all of the classics, philosophy, chemistry (poisons), neural linguistic programming (person-reading), and of course, skilled in all the ways one can end a person’s life or if you will extreme social engagement called “killcraft”.

Scyhtes choose which lives to glean based on statistics of past Age Of Morality morbidity rates and behaviors, social class, and ethnicities. They however cannot show bias.

Scythes are ruled by a worldwide committee and meet on a quarterly basis where concerns are raised, appretences are tested, and old friendships are renewed. Did i mention that humans now live indefinitely and can rewind physical age and appearance to no lower than 21? However, given that most Sychtes choose ages between 35-45.

The Scythes lived by the following commandments:

  1. Thou Shalt Kill
  2. Thou shalt kill with no bias, bigotry or malice of afterthought
  3. Thou shalt grant an annum of immunity to the beloved of those who accept your coming and to anyone else you deem worthy.
  4. Thou shalt kill the beloved of those who resist.
  5. Thou shalt serve humanity for the full span of thy days and thy family shall have immunity as recompense for as long as you live.
  6. Thou shalt lead an exemplary life in word and deed and keep a journal of each and every day.
  7. Thou shalt kill no scythe beyond thyself.
  8. Thou shalt claim no earthly possessions save thy robe, ring and journal.
  9. Thou shalt have neither spouse or spawn.
  10. Thou shalt be beholden to no laws beyond these.

So we must ask ourselves that if in fact we solve all the so called woes of the Human Condition will we solve the root cause of the Human Condition? If we take away mortality (and morality) and can save and upload our memories then what is meant to be Human? Passion and Lust (of life)? Is compassion still needed?

Upon giving me the book to read my daughter laughed and said “Daddy maybe you are one.”

Then again, reflecting on what my daughter said to me when she was referencing the text, at the core maybe we all are Sycthes.

So if your in the market for a good book for your children or you just want a quick read that will be a good catalyst for your thoughts for our future, pick this book up. Here i even will provide the link to the ThunderHead Book Club In The Sky. Note: this is book one of a triology.

Until Then,

#iwishyouwater <- some footage from the recent 50 year storm on the left coast.


Muzak To Blog By: Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 6 in B minor, Valery Abisalovich Gergiev conducting the Vienna Philharmonic. Spectacular piece Symphony No. 6 in B minor, Op. 74, also known as the Pathétique Symphony (a.k.a. The Passionate Symphony). I recently got to see this performed by the Charleston Symphony with Jonathan Heyward conducting it was spectacular. I was sitting there thinking how someone who has certain sexual proclivities or other passions in their life that at the time were not tolerated in society could create such a work of art; then again, it just goes to show the extreme lengths humans will go to make their true passions as it were, incarnate. i also think it very ironic that this composer would probably not trend in the position of Tchaikovsky due to his political beliefs, but one never knows, does one?

Look Up Down All Around!

Your Brain 3D Printed [1]

The effects of technology do not occur at the level of opinions or concepts. Rather they alter patterns of perception steadily and without any resistance.

~ Marshall McLuhan

First i hope everyone is safe. Second, this blog is more meta-physical in nature. The above picture is a present i received from a dear friend who 3D printed it for me. A transhumanist pictorial if you will for accelerating our wetware. This brings us to the current matter at hand.

i was traveling recently and i couldn’t help but notice how many humans are just sitting, walking, running and even biking looking at their mobile devices. Families no longer talk to each other, couples no longer kiss. Kids no longer day dream. All no longer LOOK UP, DOWN and ALL AROUND.

i must confess at this juncture that, as a technologist, i am conflicted. As they say we make the guns, but we don’t pull the trigger. As a technologist, i truly love using and creating with mathematics, hardware, and software. it is an honor as far as i am concerned, and i treat it as such, yet when i have time to sit and ponder i think of the time i held the first telegraph in my hands. Yes, the FIRST telegraph that read:

What hath God wrought!

Invented and sent by Samuel Finley Breese Morse 24 May 1844. I held it. Of course it was behind plexiglass, and this is a link to said telegraph.

Why is this important? It converted numbers (morse code in this case) into a readable document, content if you will. Even if you do not believe in higher-order deities or some theistic aspects what was transmitted and received via the message of the telegraph herewith was multi-modal and carried some weight to the message.

There seems to be a trend toward a kind of primitive outlook on life a more tribal attitude and i think its a natural reaction to industrialization. Unfortunately i think it is a bit naive because the future is going to become more mechanized, computerized as you call it and i dont think there is any turning back.

~ Jim Morrison

Intelligence it seems, is now but a search engine away or if you will a “tic-tok” away. It also seems due to this immediate gratification of content and information that, we no longer talk to anyone. “The Pandemic” seems to have modified several aspects of our existence. The results of this i believe will take decades of evolution before this change is truly understood from a systems theory and first principles engineering view.

We have been sequestered into a living environment tethered to the LazyWeb(TM). Per my commentary about seeing families with their heads buried in their phones during all modes of so-called social engagement, this is creating considerable fractures in how we deal with friends, families, and most importantly ourselves.

Now in recent times, Humans are going into the office or “back to the hybrid workplace” and taking a zoom call in the adjacent meeting room to where the REAL PHYSICAL meeting is occurring. So the more i pondered, the more i thought i would post a bunch of pictures and talk about cyberspace vs real space.

Live Oak with Sunshine

i have read all the books: “Neuromancer, Cyberspace, SnowCrash,Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (DADOES), Super Intelligence, 1984, Brave New World, Realware etc”, i first worked on full Virtual Reality applications in 1993. Yes there were computers back then, big red ones called Silicon Graphics Crimson machines. These augmented with fixed point digital signal processing equipment created the first six degrees of freedom ( 6DOFS) head tracked stereoscopic renderings complete with spatial audio. So it is nothing new just executed in a different fashon.

i recently went to the NASA Astronaut Training Experience at the Kennedy Space Center with my eldest daughter and we took a walk on Mars and did some trivial tasks. It was tethered environment with mono-based audio however it was impressive from a simulation standpoint. When the alert system informed me that a sandstorm was coming, i was non-plussed. Having worked on top-secret systems, i understand the need for simulations entirely. Simulate all the emergencies over and over again that you can think of when going into an environment of conflict.

Double Rainbow

On a regular basis “Humans being” and living do not constitute simulation unless you buy into Bostrom’s theory that we are living in a simulation, then what of it? Please make the most of IT. Talk to that person across from you. What color do they love? What is their favorite food? Do they like puppies? If they are close friends and family, above all – show them how you feel. Hug them.

I believe that computers have taken over the world. I believe that they
have in many ways ruined our children. I believe that kids used to love
to go out and play. I believe that social graces are gone because
manners are gone because all people do is sit around and text. I think
it’s obnoxious.

~ Stevie Nicks
Sunset and Oak Tree

If you are not the talkative type go outside build a fire, Walk through the city. Go sit under a tree. If you live in a place where you can see the sky go outside and just stare at the sky and let your eyes adjust. The stars will come out and think about the fact you are made of the same substances.

Reflect on and into yourself. Shut down all the noise and chatter. Listen. What do YOU hear?

I can’t fax you my love.
I can’t e-mail you my heart.
I can’t see your face in cyberspace,
I don’t know where to start.

~ Jimmy Buffet
Full Moon At Night

When you get up in the morning, don’t start the Doom Scroll. Contemplate. Get a notebook and write some thoughts. The visceral act of writing activates differing neural patterns that allow us to remember and learn. Think about what you would like to accomplish. Hopefully, you made your bed. That is at least one thing you can check off that you did accomplish, and your parents would be proud.

i wrote a blog a while ago called Its An Honor To Say Goodbye. Many seemed to enjoy it for several different reasons. As you look up from your phone and are around, folks play a game. What if that person just disappeared as though they were shot by a BFG (Big F-in Gun) in one of the first-person shooting games and could not re-frag? Just gone from the simulation? Poof!

How would you feel?

Purple Beach Blue Night Sky

i’ll have to say if this is a simulation, it is pretty good and has to be some quantum information theoretic manifestation[2]. Yet! Feeling that embrace from a friend or loved one, feeling the spray from a wave, smelling and touching a rose, A dog licking you in the face, tasting that steak, the carnality and sensuality of it all transcend, at least for me, the “meta” aspects of the online experience.

Go Outside! The Graphics are Great!

~ Sensai Todd
Turquoise Beach Storm

So folks, when in doubt, put that device down for a bit. Go for a walk. Say hello to that person across the room and ask how the day is going, and mean it and listen. Go outside and sit against a tree at night, or take a walk near the ocean or body of water (my favorite). Draw. Shut your eyes and deeply listen to music. Dance. Make stupid sounds. Try something you have never done before. Do something besides being fed programmed content.


So question for all of you:

Q: Would you prefer a telegraph, facsimile or simulation of this life?

TV The Zero Day Virus

Until Then,


#iwishyouwater <- Nathan Florence on a hellish scottish slab paddle out. He aint worried about who clicked like….

Muzak To Blog By Forestt “Into The Woods”. i would classify this as Martial Folk if i may use genre classification liberally.

[1] Someone i really respect technically and now consider a dear friend printed this out for me. He also prints body parts. Heavy stuff. He is a practicing ER doctor and also codes.

[2] On the above commentary concerning simulations, i do believe in the Minowski multi-verse theory and view of The Universe. Its all happening NOW with multiple probabilities, our noggin cant sample fast enough to reconstruct all of the information simultaneously. Also, remember, girls and boys, YOU are the universe.

[3] i took all of the pictures included herewith except the last one.


[1] this is a great interview with The Lizard King (aka Jim Morrison when he was 26 in 1970. Listen. This isn’t hippie stuff. Click HERE.